Student Volunteering Week celebrations

We recenty asked first year Politics and International Relations student Megan Ritchie to go along to some of our Student Voluneerting Week events and report back on what she found. Here is what she had to say:

We often hear about the concept of “social responsibility”: the idea that as citizens, we should act in a way that benefits the community and/or the environment. Last week, the University of Manchester celebrated the nationwide annual Student Volunteering Week and promoted all things volunteering: a way that we can translate our social responsibility into action.

The University held a number of events during the week. Students had several opportunities to find out more about volunteering and the opportunities available; fairs were held across campus and students could also find out more about volunteering overseas by attending information sessions about Team Uganda and other international volunteering programmes. The University also organised Big Action Day where students could get a taste of what it’s like to volunteer in their local community by heading to Ladybarn Park and St Chad’s Church to work on their community hall and green space.

But volunteering isn’t just for Student Volunteering Week! There are opportunities to volunteer – made available by the University and a range of other organisations – all year round. It’s not only a great addition to any student’s CV and an essential part of the Stellify programme but it can be a chance to learn something new, develop new skills and give back to the community.

The common opinion amongst student volunteers is that “you definitely get out as much as you put in” whilst volunteering. One student who volunteers for Girlguiding spoke about her work as a volunteer, she said: “It is fantastic to give girls their own space and their own voice, and nothing is more amazing than being a part of that”.

If you missed the events that took place last week then don’t worry, there’s plenty of information out there. There are opportunities to volunteer on campus, in the community and even overseas! Whichever way sounds good to you, check out the Volunteering website to find more information about volunteering and details of the latest opportunities.

Megan Ritchie

Undergraduate Student, Politics and International Relations.