Inclusive Growth Analysis Unit

The 23 June Brexit vote brought into sharp relief the extent of the differences in the ways that economic growth, globalisation and technological change have been experienced in different parts of the country and within cities. Within Greater Manchester, only Manchester, Stockport and Trafford local authorities, those which have benefited most from economic resurgence, had a majority voting to Remain.

The disaffection of voters in the more economically marginalised parts of the city-region was plain to see. As a result, the idea of ‘inclusive growth’ – that the benefits of economic growth should be spread more widely between people and places – has rapidly gained political prominence. The University’s Inclusive Growth Analysis Unit, established in January 2016 with funding from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, is already working to make sure reducing poverty and inequalities is at the top of the agenda for GM devolution and the Northern Powerhouse, and to support the development of evidence-based strategies for inclusive growth.

In August, it published its first report “Inclusive Growth: Opportunities and Challenges for Greater Manchester” and a second, identifying ways forward for the city-region, will be published in early Autumn.

These reports, and more information about the Unit’s work, can be found at Growth Analysis Unit website.