Our achievements
External awards and recogntion
- We are number one in the UK and Europe, and number two in the world for social and environmental impact (Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2024). We are the only university in the world to rank in the top ten in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings in all six years since their launch.
- We are in the top 10 in the 2025 QS World University Sustainability Rankings (QS World University Sustainability Rankings, December 2024)
- We hold a Platinum Watermark award by the National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE), which recognises universities’ engagement with the public (December 2023).
- We received the ‘2030 Climate Action’ prize at the Green Gown Awards in recognition of our work to decarbonise the University’s operations (December 2023).
Our commitments and achievements
- Our commitment to achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) is unmatched.We’re the only university in the world to rank in the top ten for social and environmental impact in every year of the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings.
- We’ve committed to becoming a zero-carbon university by 2038.
- We’re divesting from fossil fuels and other carbon-intensive investments.
- We’ve become an accredited living wage employer for all our staff.
- We’ve launched a pioneering Stellify Award to enable every student to make a difference.
- We’ve recognised more than 200 social responsibility initiatives as part of our annual Making a Difference Awards.
- Our staff have contributed more than £1 million to charities through our payroll giving scheme.
- We’ve signed the global SDG Accord to embed sustainable development in all that we do.
Find our more
- Download our SDG report.
- Read about our impact towards REF, our teaching and learning excellence and KEF
- Read our Access and Student Success Impact Report 2024 (PDF)
- Read our Equality Information Report 2024 (PDF)
- Our research impact showcase includes examples of the positive impact we’ve made across culture and creativity, economic development and inequalities, health and wellbeing, innovation and commercialisation, and sustainability and climate change.
Social inclusion
- Our Manchester Access Programme has supported over 2,000 local students from families with no experience of higher education into The University of Manchester.
- We’ve invested more than £15 million each year in financial support for students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
- We’ve achieved 15 Charter Marks for Gender Equality.
- More than 1,000 staff and alumni have contributed to leadership in state education through our School Governor Initiative.
- We are one of the few universities in the UK to hold a Charter Mark for Race Equality.
- Through our Equity and Merit Programme, our university and our donors have supported more than 300 international master’s students to lead on sustainable development in their home countries.
- We’re rated by Stonewall as a top employer for LGBT inclusion in the workplace.
- We’ve become a university of sanctuary for refugees and asylum seekers.
- We’re the first university to partner with the Slave Free Alliance.
- We opened our first Into University Centre to support learners in a less advantaged part of North Manchester.
- We’ve engaged our local communities through our annual ScienceX event.
Prosperous communities
- We created more than 200 local jobs and a record £19.7 million of social value through our MECD campus development contract with Balfour Beatty.
- We welcomed over 2,600 local friends and neighbours to our Community Festival in June 2022.
- We’ve supported more than 4,000 local people into work through our unique partnership, The Works.
- We’re the first university in the UK to use The Social Value Portal for measuring impact through our supply chain.
Environmental sustainability
- Our science led directly to the creation of a zero-carbon pathway for Greater Manchester.
- We’ve opened Brunswick Park to enhance biodiversity, support health and wellbeing, and improve resilience to climate change.
- We lead the biggest research project in the sustainable development of the world’s dams.
- We’ve already eliminated more than 250,000 pieces of avoidable single-use plastics – with more to come.
- 15,000 undergraduate students have engaged in our annual Sustainability Challenge.
- We developed a pioneering online module, open to all students, on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
- We’ve developed and launched an interactive tree trail on campus.
- We’ve planted more than 300 semi-mature trees on campus.
- More than 2,800 staff commute by active travel.
Cultural engagement
- We receive more than a million public visitors to our four cultural institutions (Manchester Museum, Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre, The Whitworth and John Rylands Library) each year.
- We’ve launched a multi-million pound Creative Manchester project to champion culture and creativity in Greater Manchester.
- We’ve led Manchester’s designation as a UNESCO City of Literature.
- We play a key role in Manchester’s History Festival, Literature Festival and International Festival.
- We are the world’s first carbon-literate museum.
- We’re the first university museum in the UK to proactively repatriate some of our objects.
- Around 4,000 local school and college students use our library facilities each year.
- Our annual BlueDot festival of music, science and culture is the only one to be held on a university UK campus.
- We’ve established the world’s first sector support agency for age and culture.
- We’ve established a Natural and Cultural Health Service out of Whitworth Park.
- Our Jodrell Bank Observatory has been awarded UNESCO World Heritage status.
- Our Museum’s Capital Programme will allow us to become the most inclusive, caring and imaginative museum you might encounter.
- We’ve established a pioneering office for useful art at The Whitworth.
Better health
- More than 3,000 of our students graduate from our healthcare courses each year.
- We formed Health Innovation Manchester to help transform the health and wellbeing of Greater Manchester’s 2.8 million citizens.
- Over 3,000 leaders have benefited from our NHS Leadership Academy.
- We actively involve more than 800 patients and the public each year in our research and education.
- We’ve developed 50 healthcare partnerships in the Global South in support of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
- We partner with the World Health Organisation, Médecins Sans Frontières and the Red Cross in our humanitarian and conflict response work.
- We hold the government register of volunteer health professionals who can be deployed overseas in emergencies.
- Hundreds of our healthcare students in medicine, dentistry, nursing and pharmacy address major public health challenges in Greater Manchester each year, including the fight against COVID-19.
Zero-carbon university by 2038
Second globally for action towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Times Higher Education University Impact Rankings 2023
Gold Watermark for our work on public engagement
Social responsibility achievements
A large amount of our social responsibility work has been recognised through external awards over the past 12 years or so.
The University of Manchester is top in the UK and Europe and 2nd in the world in Times Higher Education Impact Rankings – the only institution in the world to rank in the top ten for social and environmental impact in every year.
We are recognised as one of the top universities in the world for social and environmental sustainability, achieving ninth place in the latest QS World University Rankings.
At the QS EduData Summit 2024 the University was named as the UK’s most sustainable University.
In partnership with the City of Manchester the University is a UNESCO City of Lifelong Learning.
We are ranked 7th in Stonewall’s Top 100 Workplace Annual Equality Index
We are member of the Good Employment Charter.
The University has accreditation status by the United Nations Environment Programme, making us one of only 20 universities worldwide to receive this accolade.
In 2024 the University was awarded the title of University of the Year at the Educate North Awards.
We received a double win at the AUDE Estates Excellence Awards for our work to ensure young care leavers are not alone on Christmas Day and Zero Without a Net, our strategy to reduce our carbon to true zero by 2038,
We hold a International Green Gown Award in recognition of our ambitious decarbonisation plans.
Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings
Top 10 globally for action towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings
1st in the world for impact against the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Official SDG World Records
Most Participation for Rethinking Education and Shaping the Future (The University of Manchester Worldwide East Asia Centre)
Pink News Award
Most inclusive LGBT employer in the Public Sector (runner-up)
UK Festival Awards
Jodrell Bank’s Bluedot Festival (Best medium festival)
Times and Sunday Times
University of the year for graduate employment
IEMA Sustainability Impact Award
10,000 Actions: Sustainability Campaign (Winner)
THE University Impact Ranking
1st in Europe and 3rd in world (based on the UN SDGs)
Sustainability Leadership Scorecard (Gold)
Gold watermark for public engagement
Chartered Institute of Public Relations North West PRide Awards
ScienceX event (Silver)
Spirit of Manchester Award
School Governor Initiative (Winner)
Institute of Directors UK
Julian Skyrme, Director for Social Responsibility (Director of the Year Award)
CUBO (Colleges & University Business Officers) Awards
Innovation in Student Experience for Give It Don’t Bin It (linked with Manchester Metropolitan University) (Winner)
Business Partner of the Year for the Nationwide Cycling Academy partnership (Winner)
Excellence in Student Sport Experience for the Sport Participation Programme (Winner)
Innovation in Catering for Sustainability in Catered Halls (Shortlisted)
Best Residential Life Initiative for the work on tackling drug issues in halls (Shortlisted)
The Guardian University Awards
Sustainability Project category (shortlisted) for 10,000 Actions
Stonewall Workplace Equality Index
Top 100 Employers for Inclusive Approach to LGBT population (placed 16th)
Champion of Champions Awards
Green Travel initiative
Green Gown Award
Learning and Skills Award – 10,000 Actions and the Sustainability Challenge
Chartered Institute of Waste Management
Best Reuse and Waste Prevention Project – Give It Don’t Bin It.
Leading Culture Destination Award
Climate Control exhibition – Manchester Museum
Green Innovation and Finance Awards
University of the Year 2017 (winner)
Integration Awards
2017 Community Integration Awards Research category – Claire Alexander for Our Migration Story
Association of University Directors of Estates (AUDE) Awards
Impact Initiative of the Year for 10,000 Actions and Ethical Grand Challenges, Sustainability Challenge
Blackboard Catalyst Award, Global award for Community Engagement
The University of Manchester Library’s My Learning Essentials programme
Health Education England Widening Participation (WP) Award for Research and Evaluation into WP
Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, for research into the performance and experience of Widening Participation students compared to non widening participation students.
The University Caterers Organisation (TUCO)
Food In Residence, Most sustainable university caterers 2017
Sustainable Restaurant Association
Food In Residence, rating of 3 out of 3 stars across all catered halls of residence
National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE) Engage Awards
Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing (MICRA) (winner)
Manchester Academic Health Science Centre (finalist)
The lived experience of climate change: A story of one piece of land in Dhaka (finalist)
Carbon Literate Organisation Awards
University of Manchester (bronze award)
Manchester Museum (gold award)
Sustainable Restaurant Association’s Food Made Good Award (winner)
FoodInResidence catering team for halls of residence
The Guardian University Awards, Social and Community Impact category (runner-up) for The Works initiative
The Guardian Sustainable Business Awards, Social Impact (winner) for The Works initiative
Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service for the School Governor Initiative
Educate North Awards
Policy@Manchester (winner)
2015 - 2008
HEIST Award, Best Corporate Campaign or Initiative (Gold Award) for The ‘We Get It’ campaign
Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists, Giving Voice Award (winner) for the Speech and Language Therapy Undergraduate Peer Mentor Student Coordinators
Lever Prize (Shortlisted) for ‘In Place of War’ project
Cost Sector Catering Corporate Responsibility Award (Winner) for Hospitality and Events
University Business Young Leaders Awards (Sustainability Champion) for Alexander Clark
The Guardian Sustainable Business Awards (Runner-up) for ‘Give It…Don’t Bin It’ initiative
Footprint Awards for Organic Milk (Finalist) for Hospitality and Events
Footprint Sustainable Supplier Award (Shortlisted) for Hospitality and Events
Soil Association Food For Life Award (Bronze) for Hospitality and Events
Prime Minister’s Point of Light Award (recognising outstanding individual volunteers, people who are making a change in their community) for Dr Amy Hughes for her work humanitarian work.
Prime Minister’s Point of Light Award (recognising outstanding individual volunteers, people who are making a change in their community) for Emma Ridings for her work with Street Doctors
Equality Challenge Unit Race Equality Charter Mark Bronze Award
Excellence in Diversity Awards (shortlisted), Diverse Company Award for Education
Stonewall Workplace Equality Index top 100 Employers for Inclusive Approach to LGBT population (placed 43th)
Stonewall Workplace Equality Index North West Network of the Year (winner)
Equality Challenge Unit Athena SWAN awards – 10 Bronze and 5 Silver Academic School Level Awards.
National Educational Opportunities Award (Shortlisted) for Student Ambassador Contribution to Widening Participation
Guardian University Awards, Social and Community Impact Award (Runner-up) for Humanitarian Conflict Resolution Institute
Stroke Association Special Recognition Award 2015 to Pippa Tyrrell
UnLtd SEEChange Recognition Awards:
HEI of the Year
Outstanding Innovation of the Year (Winner, Clintouch)
Outstanding Achievement Award (Winner, Adam Garrow for Jolly Wheezers)
Outstanding Achievement Award (Finalist, Edwin Broni-Mensah for Give Me Tap)
Social Entrepreneur of the Year (Winner, Ruth Daniel)
Social Entrepreneur of the Year (Finalist, Amy Win)
Social Entrepreneurship Champion of the Year (Finalist, Laura Etchells)
Social Entrepreneurship Champion of the Year (Finalist, Martin Henery)
New Energy and Cleantech Awards for University Spin-out of the year (Finalist, Magda Sibley for HiSolar)
Cardiac Smart Gold Award for a range of initiatives including the Heartstart volunteering project
UK Heart Safe Educational Establishment of the Year (shortlist) for a range of initiatives including the Heartstart volunteering project
Enactus Competition (UK Semi Final Team)
Times Higher Education Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Local Community (Winner) for School Governor Initiative
Guardian Sustainable Business Awards (shortlisted) for the School Governors Initiative
Green Gown Award for Social Responsibility (Highly Commended) for The Works
Green Gown Award (finalist) for Manchester Veg People
Guardian University Award for International Projects (runner-up) for In Place of War
Royal Geographical Society Awards, Busk Medal for fieldwork to support an understanding of global development (winner) Uma Kothari
Manchester Evening News Environmental Services Waste Prevention Award (winner) for the End of Year Reuse Scheme, Give It…Don’t Bin It
Manchester Evening News Environmental Champion Award (shortlisted) Michael Bane for The University of Manchester bike user group (UMBUG)
Business in the Community Responsible Business Awards (Big Tick) for the School Governors Initiative (re-accredited in 2015)
Green Gown Award for Manchester Veg People (Finalist) for Hospitality and Events
National Educational Opportunities Award (Winner) for WP Initiative and Individual Contribution
Footprint Award (finalist) for Manchester Veg People
Footprint Community Vote (winner) for Café Muse (Winner)
OBE (For Services to the Community) for Lenox Green, School of Mathematics
Tony Redmond appointed Honorary Colonel 207 Manchester Field Hospital RAMC
The Royal Society of Biology Book Award for Dan Davis for his book ‘The Compatibility Gene’
National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement Engage Health Competition (Finalist), Sheena Cruickshank
Business in the Community (BITC) Award for Inclusive Approach to our BME population (Winner)
Employers Network for Equality and Inclusion (ENEI) Award for Inclusive Communications for Diversity Calendar (Winner)
Employers Network for Equality and Inclusion ENEI Award for Employee Engagement (shortlisted)
S-labs award for Laboratory Environmental A Green Geochemistry Laboratory (shortlisted)
S-labs award for Laboratory Equipment and Services, Core Support Services for Life Sciences (shortlisted individuals)
Political Studies Association Award, Politics/Political Studies Communicator (Winner) Dr Robert Ford (with Matthew Goodwin, non-University of Manchester)
The Artist and Manager Awards, Pioneer Award (Winner) Ruth Daniel
Manchester International Women’s Day Award, Women in Legal and Business (Winner) Professor Margot Brazier
Council of the European Economic Association Award, Birgit Grodal Award (Winner) Professor Rachel Griffith (winner) for a European based female economist who has made a significant contribution to the Economics profession.
Praxis Unico Awards, Business Impact Aspiring Category (Finalist) Dr Joanne Tippett
Enactus Competition (UK Semi Final Team)
Times Higher Education Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Local Community (Winner) for The Works
Green Gown Award for Social Responsibility for Best International and National Social Responsibility Programme (Winner) for the School Governor Initiative.
Green Gowns Award for Facilities and Services (Shortlisted) for Manchester Veg People
Times Higher Award (Shortlisted) for Best Widening Participation Initiative
Cost Sector Catering Corporate Responsibility Award (Winner) for Hospitality and Events
Footprint Award for Manchester Veg People (Finalist) for Hospitality and Events
RSB Communicator New Researcher Award for Rebecca Williams
RSB Communicator Established Researcher Award for Dr Sheena Cruickshank
Manchester’s International Women’s Day Women & Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Award for Sheena Cruickshank, Kathryn Else and Joanne Pennock
Manchester Pride Award (Winner) for Best Public Service Parade Entry and Best Themed Entry
UnLtd HE Support Recognition Award for Outstanding HEI Supporting Social Entrepreneurship (Winner)
Halsbury Legal Award for Academic Contribution 2013 – Professor Margot Brazier (Winner)
Royal Town Planning Institute (NW) Planning Award, Contribution to Positive Community Engagement (Commended) Dr Joanne Tippett
Enactus Competition (UK Semi Final Team)
Enactus UK Enactus CRE, Corporate Relations Executive of the Year (Winner) Gareth Davies
S-labs award, IT at the Heart of a Truly Integrated and Efficient Drug Discovery Laboratory for Paterson Institute for Cancer Research
S-labs award, Eliminating Ethidium Bromide and UV Radiation Hazards from Molecular Biology Experimentation for Peter Reid, Senior Technician, Faculty of Life Sciences
Enactus Competition (UK Semi Final Team)
Green Gown Award for Academic Courses (Winner) Sustainable Consumption Institute Centre for Doctoral Training
Green Gowns Award for Social Responsibility for Manchester Museum Living Worlds
Green Gowns Award for Student Initiative (Shortlisted) for Your Halls are Green
RSB Communicator New Researcher Award for Elizabeth Granger
Manchester Pride Award (Winner) for Best Public Service Parade Entry and Best Themed Entry
National Green Impact Award, Best Energy Saving Initiative for Estates and Facilities Everest Challenge
Greater Manchester Green Business Award (Shortlisted) Large Business
Enactus Competition, (UK Semi Final Team – Runner Up)
National Vegetarian Society Local Hero Award (Winner) for Hospitality and Events
Compassion in World Farming Good Chicken Award (Winner) for Hospitality and Events
Compassion in World Farming Good Eggs Award (Winner) for Hospitality and Events
Tony Redmond Hon. DSc, University of Glamorgan, in recognition of contribution to disaster medicine.
World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine Excellence in Disaster Management Award for Tony Redmond
RSB Communicator New Researcher Award for Emily Robinson
Times Higher Education Award for Excellence and Innovation in the Arts (Winner) for In Place of War
Green Gowns Award for Carbon (Shortlisted) Carbon Reduction Technicians
Green Gowns Award for Courses (Highly Commended) for CEEBL Green Award – Venture Out Competition
International Federation for Emergency Medicine Humanitarian Award for Tony Redmond
Triangle Media Group, UK (Top 50 Global South Asian Achiever Award in the category of Education) Dr Rajinder Dudrah for academic, knowledge transfer and outreach work on South Asian popular culture and popular Hindi cinema
Times Higher Education Award Excellence and Innovation in the Arts (Winner) for In Place of War
Excellence in Teaching Prize of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) (joint winner) Dr Joanne Tippett for teaching students skills in community engagement in a problem based learning context
Enactus UK Award for Community Engagement Award, in conjunction with Volunteering England (Winner)
Enactus Competition (UK Semi Final Team)
Enactus UK Student Team Leader Award (Winner) Ben Scheerbarth
Green Gowns Award for Sustainable Construction (Shortlisted) for Manchester Academy Refurbishment
Green Gowns Award for Courses (Highly Commended) for Fostering Skills for Sustainability, Employability and Empowering Change
RSB Communicator New Researcher Award for Ceri Harrop
National Green Impact Award, Environmental Hero for Michael Bane
Green Gowns Award (Winner) for Residences
Equality Challenge Unit Athena SWAN Awards, Bronze Athena SWAN University Holder since 2008.