Goal 5: Research
The University’s research activities play a key role in our approach to the Sustainable Development Goals.
Here’s a wider showcase of our work addressing Goal 5. Find out about our researchers, research outputs, research projects and activities connected to the SDGs through The University of Manchester Research Explorer.
Each year we launch a report which highlights how we are addressing key issues facing humanity as set-out by the United Nations. As the UK’s first university to have social responsibility as a core goal, we’ve developed a strategy to tackle the SDGs in four inter-related ways: through our research, learning and students, public engagement and operations.
Our latest SDG report shows that the University published over 22,000 pieces of research on the SDGs in the past five years, which is 4% of the UK’s entire share of publications. It details teaching and learning programmes that address the SDGs, such as our ‘Creating a Sustainable World’ interdisciplinary unit.
AquaPlan is an interactive web application that helps farmers, businesses, and governments improve agricultural water management and climate adaptation, while also helping to educate students and the public about issues of water security and food sustainability. The initiative received a Making a Difference Award for its outstanding contribution to environmental sustainability and a low carbon future.
Our Global Development Institute is the UK’s largest university-based postgraduate centre specialising in international development. The institute addresses global inequalities to promote a socially-just world.
Emeritus Professor Stephanie Barrientos, from the Global Development Institute, has been elected as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Fairtrade Foundation, bringing her research experience in corporate social responsibility, trade and labour standards, gender, and fair and ethical trade in global value chains.
Led by academics at the University of Manchester, a new report, Whose Campus, Whose Security? draws upon a national survey and localised interviews in Greater Manchester to centre on the perspectives of students. In line with our commitment to Social Responsibility and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, the national research warns that harmful securitisation practices can undermine efforts to create a welcoming environment for all students. The report urges higher education institutions to do more to ensure an inclusive and welcoming environment for all students. The full report, the executive summary, and a graphic abstract can be accessed through the CoDE website, and pieces from the authors can be found in Times Higher Education, and WonkHE.
Dr Caroline Miles and Professor Rose Broad from The University of Manchester are involved in ‘The abuse of women who run: experiences, perceptions and fears’, a project working with Greater Manchester Police and Merseyside police. The research involves analysing police data on recorded incidents of abuse experienced by women runners as well as surveys with women runners about their experiences. Following this, there will be events to raise awareness and share key learnings to help tackle street harassment.
‘From Boys to Men’, a project from our School of Social Sciences, explores why some boys become domestic abuse perpetrators and what more can be done to prevent it. The ground-breaking research findings led to a number of significant interventions at a local and national level. The findings also contributed to Greater Manchester’s Combined Authority’s (GMCA) 10-year strategy to tackle gender-based violence, and the toolkit generated by the project has influenced school-based preventative strategies as well as being rolled out in Malta, France and Spain.
Dr. Sherilyn MacGregor, Reader in Environmental Politics at our University, is the lead author of a major report ‘Caring in a Changing Climate‘ commissioned by Oxfam America that investigates the impacts of climate breakdown, climate mitigation and adaptations on care work. The report calls for greater actions to limit greenhouse gas emissions and a more significant focus on the nexus of climate and care work within policy and research. It points to the need for climate initiatives to pursue gender-transformative approaches via the adoption of care sensitive interventions.
Our Work and Equalities Institute is providing the evidence base to inform global employment debates and policies.
Research in three key areas is undertaken: minimum wage and collective bargaining; the gender pay gap; and precarious work.
This work is shaping guidance produced by international policy bodies and national policies of multiple countries, and is also providing evidence for European trade unions in their interactions with EU and national policymakers.
We produced On Gender to identify what we know – and what we need to know – about gender inequality in tackling the big policy agendas devolved to Greater Manchester and other areas, with devolution deals in areas such as ageing, labour markets, education, parenting and sexual violence.
Our research into agriculture and apparel sectors in Africa, Asia and Latin America, and collaboration with three large UK retailers, has led to more than 390,000 workers in value chains in low- and middle-income countries directly benefiting from the implementation of gender-equitable strategies.
More than a million workers have been indirectly advantaged through opportunities for women to advance to leadership positions and new strategies from companies that have the potential to reach 33 million workers in 180 countries.
Working with Manchester City Council, Cracking Good Food, Save the Children, Oxfam and other charities, our Cathie Marsh Institute for Social Research and Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing conducted pioneering research to document food insecurity in the UK following the economic recession. We studied homelessness, street begging, food-bank use and financial difficulties faced by older women, and developed a pilot tool for helping older people with their nutrition. Our research influenced the political debate on food insecurity and raised awareness of the issue in the media.