Goal 3: Policies, processes and practices

The following page outlines specific policies, processes and practices in support of Sustainable Development Goal 3 Good Health and Wellbeing.

Health and well-being collaborations and initiatives

We have collaborations with local, national, and global health institutions. Locally, we are part of Health Innovation Manchester, which is Greater Manchester’s health research, innovation and life sciences system. Nationally, we have a range of partnerships with the NHS to improve health and wellbeing outcomes, such as The NHS Leadership Academy, where we work with a consortium of partners, to co-create and co-deliver two of healthcare’s largest ever professional leadership development programmes. Internationally, we work with the WHO, Medicins Sans Frontiers and the Red Cross on initiatives to improve health, wellbeing and emergency medicine in areas of international conflict and disaster through our Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute. We also incubate a charity UK-Med through a formal partnership which holds UK-Med is a non-governmental organisation that develops and deploys volunteer clinicians and allied health professionals to support international emergency medical response.

Local community facilities

We share sports facilities with the local community – many of the activities are provided for free or are offered on a subsidised/not-for-profit basis. Our Manchester Aquatics Centre and Hough End are some of the participating centres that provides free swimming in the region. And with our #ActiveAnywhere campaign, students, staff and the University’s wider community can become, and remain active regardless of where they are.

Sexual and reproductive healthcare

We provide free information, advice and guidance on sexual and reproductive healthcare services through our Student Support Centre and Occupational Health Service. The online websites provide free information about specific services that offer sexual health screening, treatment, and management of sexually transmitted infections. The Robert Darbishire Practice, the University’s on campus GP service, and our Students’ Union Advice Centre offer free routine and emergency contraception such as condoms and femidoms for students.

Mental health support

We proactively support and encourage good mental health and provide a range of free services and advice for staff and students. The Disability Advisory and Support Service, Occupational Health Service and Students’ Union Advice service are examples of key contact points for mental health support. Our Counselling & Mental Health service provides free support for help in a crisis, by working closely with local charities (Shout and Samaritans) as well as having staff available for high-risk students. We have taken up a ‘six ways to wellbeing’ initiative to promote positive changes and healthy living choices. There is the opportunity for staff to become Wellbeing Champions who work across teams to encourage colleagues to recognise and reduce stress in their working lives.

Smoke-free campus 

We are a partially smoke-free campus. Since 2013, the University has maintained a ‘no smoking’ policy, which is reviewed annually. This policy states that all University and indoor workplaces, vehicles and designated outdoor areas are designated as non-smoking zones. Smokers are not permitted to smoke or use electronic cigarettes within five metres of building entrances.