Every year, The University of Manchester hosts sixth formers participating in the Nuffield Research Placement scheme. Last year we were proud, once again, to have hosted more students than any other institution in the UK. In 2017, many of these opportunities were offered to students who meet their widening participation criteria.
Offering a Nuffield Research Placement is a fantastic way of working with talented young people from local schools and sixth form colleges, who are interested in academic research in the future. (See more information about the scheme below).
We are now looking for Academic Staff or Early Career Researchers in any area of STEM or quantitative social sciences who would be willing to host a Nuffield Research Placement student this summer (July or August 2018).
If you are interested or would like more information please email – roz.webster@manchester.ac.uk
More information the scheme:
The Nuffield Research Placement scheme is a national scheme which provides sixth formers with the opportunity to work alongside professional scientists, technologists, engineers, mathematicians or quantitative social scientists. The students who take part carry out 4-week research placements over the summer, gaining independence, skills and experience and a much-valued insight into research as a career.
What do Nuffield Research Placement students 2017 say:
- “The placement given to me was relevant to what I want to study at university and so helped me make some decisions about my future. It was an amazing experience and I have come away after learning so many things.”
- “It was an amazing and life changing experience that helped me grow as a student and as a person. It made me realise that this is what I want to do”.
For Project Providers, the scheme is a ready-made outreach activity supported locally throughout by the regional coordinator. It is a chance to inspire the next generation of researchers, while also making progress on your own research.
What do Nuffield Research Placement Project Providers 2017 say:
- “The Nuffield students are invariably bright and they make a positive hands-on contribution to our research and data analysis”.
- “It will encourage young people to pursue research careers, and will create greater understanding of the usefulness of this type of research.”
We are now looking for Academic Staff or Early Career Researchers who can offer a 4-week placement to a local sixth former this summer (July / August 2018). Could you help? Do you have an ongoing project or a pilot project that a competent sixth former could help you with? Do you have a PhD student, post-doc or technician who would appreciate an extra pair of hands or benefit from the experience of supervising a student? Lab-based, field-based or computer-based projects are all suitable.
For further information please visit the Nuffield website:
General website: www.nuffieldfoundation.org/nuffield-research-placements
Student case studies: www.nuffieldfoundation.org/student-case-studies
Information for potential Project Providers: www.nuffieldfoundation.org/project-providers
Nuffield Research Placements are run by the Nuffield Foundation in partnership with the Wellcome Trust and Research Councils UK.