Science Uncovered takes place on 25 September 2015 (6pm-10pm), is open to all and is completely free
Manchester is one of the UK’s leading science cities, and is home to a huge number of scientists working at the leading edge of their fields. This September, Science Uncovered brings together 50 researchers for an after hours takeover of Manchester Museum.
Manchester Museum hosts the night on 25 September. Part of European Researchers’ Night in partnership with the Natural History Museum, Science Uncovered will feature 50 researchers running workshops and discussions around their work. Visitors can expect research stations, flash talks, researcher speed dating, performance and even music and craft workshops in the museum’s new high-tech space, The Study, as well as across the entire museum.
Participants include curators from Manchester Museum, and researchers from The University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University, Chester Zoo and Liverpool John Moores University. Their research ranges from ancient DNA, mummified animals and meteorites to work around zoos and conservation. There will also be practical demonstrations on how researchers are using new technologies to explore the human body and the wider world.
The Study opened on 11 September 2015. A £700,000 reworking of the entire top floor of the museum’s historic Grade II*-listed building, it has been reimagined by BKD with architects Wilson Mason as a space designed to spark wonder, curiosity and a passion for research in all of its visitors. While the original 1885 space has been painstakingly restored, it has been brought up to date via bespoke, 21st century furniture designed by BKD and state of the art equipment, such as a video microscope capable of sharing still images direct to Twitter alongside digital access to the museum’s collection.
The Study has been designed to accommodate a range of daily events, talks, workshops and hands-on sessions, and Science Uncovered is the first major event to take place within it.
European Researchers’ Night project is funded by the European Commission under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions.