Granada foundation, a foundation whose purpose is to encourage the study and appreciation of the fine arts and sciences and to promote education, with a particular interest in activity in the North of England.
The Foundation also welcomes applications which aim to engage and inspire young people and adults to take an interest in science.
I am a member of the Advisory Council of the Foundation, with a particular responsibility for looking at science bids. We meet three times a year to review grant applications, and I think its fair to say that the vast majority of these are from organisations promoting the arts. At the moment we are actively seeking to fund more science projects, so if you are based in the North West, and have something in mind, do have a look at the website, which gives details of how to apply.
The next meeting is an early summer so you would have to get any bids in for that round very quickly.
Email: j.s.baxter@OPEN.AC.UK
Tel: 0161 955 6914
Posted on behalf of Dr John Baxter, Science Staff Tutor, Senior Lecturer in Chemistry and Interdisciplinary Sciences, The Open University in the North West.