On 10 December 2014, we will be hosting the 2nd TeenTech Manchester event – and due to a few companies no longer being able to attend, we’re looking for input into two of our activity zones, see more information below:
There are two ways in which you could get involved, either in our Challenge Zone (providing a 30 min challenge for 10 students at a time) or our Insight Zone (providing a 15 min set of activities for groups of ~5 pupils at a time).
TeenTech events are designed to get young people excited about the possibility of working in a STEM related career, TeenTech Manchester seeks to enable young people to meet and work with organisations like yours, who recruit from these subject areas. The event will welcome around 300 13/14 year old pupils and their teachers; from 30 different schools into the University Campus. It’s a great opportunity to share information about the work you do, to support an initiative seeking to encourage young people to study science, technology, engineering and mathematics – and most of all; it’s a fantastic development opportunity, and good fun! There is no cost for involvement. We would require your time, enthusiasm and activities.
I have attached to this email a business information pack, which should have all the information you need, and also a company information form – which you can complete to confirm your involvement with this event. The deadline I’ve given has now passed – but obviously I can extend this for you to be involved!
I look forward to hearing from you, please let me know if you have any questions – Emma.Lewis@manchester.ac.uk or (0)161 306 1715
Emma Lewis, UG Recruitment and Widening Participation Officer (Academic Enrichment STEM)