Whitworth debate on animal research video
The video from a groundbreaking debate on animal research held at the University of Manchester’s Whitworth Hall has been published.
Some of the leading thinkers on different sides of the debate around the topic spoke to staff and students last month.
The audience at the event, called Culture of care or culture of concern: let’s debate animal research, put questions to the panellists and debated them with audience members.
On the panel was Wendy Jarrett, CEO of Understanding Animal Research (UAR); Penny Hawkins, Head of the Animals in Science Department; RSPCA Science and Policy Group; and Celean Camp, CEO of the Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments (FRAME).
The event kicked off with the signing of a public pledge to a culture of care at The University of Manchester’s animal research unit by its Director, Dr Maria Kamper.
The panel was also chaired by Mike Addelman, communications lead for animal research at The University of Manchester.
He said: “This event was conducted in the best possible way. Our panelists, leading thinkers in the field, were constructive in what they had to say, and engaged a lively and appreciative audience.”
“We covered many of the hotly debated areas in animal research, including alternatives to animal research, sentience, and if institutions who work with animals are transparent enough.”
“Audience members told me they went home feeling as though they had learned something – and that they understood more of the issues.”