10,000 Actions funding call
In November 2016 the University launched the biggest environmental sustainability initiative in the higher education sector – 10,000 Actions. To support this programme, a £10,000 fund has been established for environmental sustainability projects. This fund is available for the 2016-17 academic year. To access this fund, you must be a member of staff at the University and have made your own 10,000 Actions action plan, which you can do by visiting 10,000 Actions.
The funding is intended to support activities which enable/promote environmental sustainability across the University. These could include, but are not limited to:
- Communications and promotional items
- Displays
- Equipment
- Top-up fund to support the purchasing of energy efficient equipment
- Monitoring to help measure progress towards/impact of sustainability initiatives.
The total fund value is £10,000. Funding of up to £2,500 (but this being the exception) can be applied for; although we anticipate the majority of applications/awards will be under £1,000. There is no minimum amount.
This 2016-17 funding call will close 4pm Wednesday 8 March 2017. For more information and to download the application form please visit sustainability website.