A Feminist Green New Deal for the UK
Dr Sherilyn MacGregor, Reader in environmental politics in our Sustainable Consumption Institute, has been working with the Women’s Budget Group (WBG) and the Women’s Environmental Network (WEN) on a project that puts gender equality at the core of a Green New Deal.
Over the next two years, the project will seek to build support for a feminist Green New Deal in the UK by engaging environmental, women’s, racial justice and social justice organisations. It will do this by holding a series of roundtables, publishing policy papers, leading grassroots workshops, webinars and an event at COP26 in November 2021. The project team will produce an action statement at COP26 to galvanise support from campaigners, grassroots organisations, academics, policymakers and civil society. Sherilyn will be supporting the feminist GND project as an advisor throughout the process.
As a follow up to a Green New Deal policy paper they authored for the WBG’s Commission on a Gender Equal Economy in May 2020, Sherilyn and her collaborator Maeve Cohen (Discover Economics) were commissioned to write a roadmap for use at the WBG and WEN events leading up to COP21. Their roadmap was launched and discussed at a Women’s Budget Group webinar on the 11th March. The event was attended by 150 participants and chaired by Zarina Ahmad who is a new PhD researcher at the Sustainable Consumption Institute.