Green Impact and 10,000 Actions Launch Event
November saw the launch of the staff signature programme 10,000 Actions, the largest environmental sustainability initiative in the higher education sector.
To celebrate this and all that the University is doing towards sustainability an event was held that brought together the Green Impact Awards and the launch of 10,000 Actions.
Across the University there are a total of 65 Green Impact teams who are all working to make their workplace more sustainable. Each year awards are given out to each team that highlights their sustainability related progress through the year.
As part of the Green Impact awards this year, representatives of four teams were invited onto the stage to take part in a panel discussion with Professor James Thompson, Associate Vice President for Social Responsibility and Environmental Sustainability Assistant, Glen Marsden. The panellists were all asked their thoughts on the programme, including how long they’d been involved for and what they felt the benefits were from taking part. They also spoke about some of the challenges they’d encountered and their aspirations for the future. The discussion provided an interesting insight into the way different teams operate as well as inspiration for all members of staff in attendance at the ceremony.
The second part of the event brought together the launch of 10,000 Actions and our new environmental sustainability strategy. There were talks from the Mayor of Salford, Paul Dennett from the Low Carbon Hub, which aims to be the ‘one-stop-shop’ on the low carbon and environment agenda in Greater Manchester.
Craig Bennett, the CEO of Friends of the Earth, delivered a speech which inspired everyone in the room to play their part in moving towards environmental sustainability. He also put the University’s environmental sustainability strategy into an international context, celebrating what the institution has achieved so far and setting new challenges for the future.
This was followed by the formal launch of 10,000 Actions and the new environmental sustainability strategy by Professor James Thompson.
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