UCIL launches new ‘Equality, Diversity and Inclusion’ unit
The University College of Interdisciplinary Learning (UCIL) at the University are launching a new online unit Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: Your Role in Shaping a Fairer World (EDI) in Semester 2.
Requested by students at the University, the unit features over 40 leading equality, diversity and inclusion experts from within and outside the University. The unit delivers a deeper insight into a range of EDI topics, including those highlighted by the global pandemic and Black Lives Matter Movement.
Professor Dawn Edge and Dr Rachel Cowen, Academic Leads for EDI said: “It’s been a privilege to co-create the content with students and equalities experts across such wide ranging disciplines and career sectors. Our aim is to provide a fascinating and rich learning experience through which Manchester graduates appreciate and embrace diverse cultural and personal perspectives, develop an inclusive mind set and are confident and empowered to play their part in shaping a fairer world.”
UCIL have been creating interactive online units for over a decade to inspire students from all disciplines to make a difference. Their interdisciplinary course units allow students to try something new as part of their degree – many of which focus on current global issues and societal challenges including cybersecurity and mental health.
Undergraduate students with free credits have until Friday 19 February to sign up to UCIL Semester 2 units. For more details please head to the UCIL website.