Make moving house count with Give It Don’t Bin It

Moving house is a great time to declutter! As student tenancies come to an end for this academic year, we’re working to support our students to sort through their things and donate unwanted, good-quality items to charity. 

The universities, the Students’ Unions, Manchester Student Homes and Manchester City Council are working together to make it easy to donate to charity through the Give It, Don’t Bin It campaign!  Last year students in Manchester donated 22,572 bags (the equivalent of £315,008) to the British Heart Foundation, donated food to Fallowfield and Withington Foodbank, and 180.6 tonnes of waste were diverted from landfill. The campaign has the dual purpose of reducing the environmental impact of a large number of people disposing waste as they move house, and supporting national and local charities.

There are clothing banks and food collection points in key areas of South Manchester and on campus. To make donating even easier, students can also bring items to the pop-up donation points on Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 June.