PhD student attends World Water Forum in Dakar
Researcher Chantal V. Bright from the University’s Sustainable Consumption Institute (SCI) has published a blog post about her attendance at the World Water Forum in Dakar earlier this year and how her research intersects with the issues discussed at the conference. The full post can be read on the SCI Blog.
The 9th World Water Forum (WWF) took place from 22-27 March 2022 in Dakar, Senegal—the first time the conference has been held in sub-Saharan Africa. WWF is held every three years in different cities and is recognised as the world’s largest multidisciplinary conference on water with this year’s theme being ‘Water for Peace and Development’. With the support of the Sustainable Consumption Institute (SCI) at the University Chantal had the opportunity to attend the conference with colleagues from the Global Water Alliance.
Chantal V. Bright is a first-year PhD candidate in human geography and researches ‘Water Security, Peace and Fragility in Liberia’ through an African ecofeminist approach. The SCI researches the social relationships that hinder change, as well as those that might enable the transition to greater sustainability. Underpinning such analyses is the recognition that greater environmental sustainability requires improved social justice and increased democratic participation.
One emerging theme of the WWF was water diplomacy – an approach that uses water resources as a tool of engagement for the broader goal of peace and stability and advocates women’s leadership for better water management. Since women are most impacted by water problems, there must be a path forward for women’s leadership in high-level decision-making processes on water and peace.
The conference discussions reinforced Chantal’s commitment and focus on her research, which seeks to contribute to the solution of practical water problems in Liberia and elsewhere. For example, her findings will be applied to develop technical reports for organisations working at the intersection of water, gender, and peace, to write a water-themed children’s book to educate youth and to increase understanding to foster community-led solutions.
If you are interested in hearing more about Chantal’s research and would like to hear from experts in the field please sign up for the SCI’s online seminar led by Chantal on water security, peace and sustainability on 2 November from 2 – 3.30pm (BST). Free tickets are available on Eventbrite.