University academic invited to speak at international trade forum in Manila
A research paper and recent Alliance Manchester Business School blog reflecting on COP28 developments has generated an invitation for PhD candidate Sandra Hamilton to speak at an international trade forum being co-hosted in the Philippines later this month by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the World Trade Organisation (WTO).
Sandra’s article on the vital market-shaping role of government procurement and her paper Public Procurement – price-taker or market shaper caught the eye of the ADB, and this inaugural event will discuss climate change adaptation and mitigation goals.
It follows on from the launch last year by the World Economic Forum, WTO and World Bank Group of the Action on Climate and Trade to assist developing economies to leverage trade to help meet their climate change adaptation and mitigation goals. The forum will specifically focus on trade finance, green trade facilitation, carbon pricing, and sustainable procurement and greener and more resilient supply chains.
Said Sandra: “I am thrilled to have been asked to present at the forum and it goes to show the amazing impact that effectively communicating your research can have.” Although invited to present in person, due to conflicting schedules Sandra will be presenting online to the forum, which will be attended by up to 200 key trade and climate stakeholders from the Philippines, Indonesia, Asia and the Pacific region.