Engage with our #lockdownquiz to identify #wordsforhealth!

The Manchester Academy for Healthcare Science (MAHSE) Patient Forum has launched a #wordsforhealth initiative to identify which healthcare related words the general public find confusing.

We all need to be able to produce scientific or healthcare-related literature that is understood by the public in order to communicate with patients, for educational purposes and as part of funding proposals. This is particularly relevant in our current situation when we are all being bomarded with healthcare related information. Engaging society both in active research and in the development of research and clinical priorities is an essential goal, but do we use accessible language in these situations?

The MAHSE Patient Forum has launched a campaign to help scientists and healthcare professionals identify some of the words the general public find confusing. The Daily Definition Challenge is running under #wordsforhealth on twitter and facebook until 1st June; each challenge should take less than 5 minutes to complete. All responses are anonymous. Please support our campaign by sharing it with your friends, family and patient groups, to reach as many members of the general public as possible.

Further information, including how we will use the results, can be found in our first Daily Definition Challenge here. Follow us on twitter @MAHSE1 and facebook @bmhuom #wordsforhealth #lockdownquiz.

Any questions, contact: lindsey.brown@manchester.ac.uk or joanne.pennock@manchester.ac.uk