Making a Difference awards.

Making a Difference Awards winners and highly commended 2024 

We received over 120 entrants for our Making a Difference Awards 2024 and the judges had a very difficult job selecting a shortlist.  

Below is a full list of all the winning and highly commended entrants in each of the categories. The winners and highly commended entrants were announced at our Awards ceremony on 9 May 2024. 

Outstanding benefit to society through research


Gindo Tampubolon, Prof. Delvac Oceandy, Dr. Asri Maharani
Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health 

Preventing Cardiovascular Disease and Death using mobile technology in Indonesia (SMARThealth) 

The Systematic Medical Appraisal Referral and Treatment (SMARThealth) intervention provides Indonesian health volunteers with resources to improve cardiovascular health in rural communities. With a third of adult deaths in Indonesia attributed to cardiovascular disease, SMARThealth provides vital preventative care in places with limited healthcare. This involved training village health volunteers to use the SMARThealth platform – operated via a mobile app and basic medical equipment – to assess villagers’ cardiovascular risk in real-time through the use of the SMARThealth platform and share results with qualified health professionals to prescribe treatment. The SMARThealth programme has since been adopted and scaled by the district of Malang, preventing 120,000 potential deaths by screening millions of residents.   

Emerging impact winners 

Neil Humphrey and the BeeWell team
Faculty of Humanities 

#BeeWell is a programme that combines academic expertise with youth-led change to make the wellbeing of young people everybody’s business. The project annually surveys young people and uses the results, in collaboration with schools and partner organisations, to deliver positive change in all our communities. Over 180 schools across all 10 Greater Manchester local authorities have implemented the co-developed #BeeWell survey to systematically assess and monitor the domains and drivers of wellbeing of more than 60,000 pupils since 2021.   

Bill Newman and members of the PALOH study team
Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health 

World-first bedside genetic test to prevent babies going deaf 

1 in 500 babies carry a gene that causes permanent deafness when given the commonly used antibiotic gentamicin. This project developed a fast, painless genetic test, approved for use in the NHS, which can identify such babies in time for them to be given another antibiotic, thus saving their hearing. University of Manchester researchers worked with colleagues from Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust and the university’s start-up company, Genedrive Plc, to develop the world’s first rapid bedside genetic test. The new technique could save the hearing of 180 babies in England alone every year and save the NHS £5 million annually by reducing the need for other interventions, such as cochlear implants. 

Highly commended

Leah Quinlivan, Su-Gwan Tham, Bradley O’ Donovan, Caroline Clements, Pauline Rivart, Roger T Webb, Pauline Turbull and Nav Kapur
Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health 

Improving care for people who have self-harmed: Translating evidence into practice via engagement with patients & carers, clinicians and NHS England 

This project is improving care for people who have self-harmed through frequent engagement, dissemination of evidence and facilitating shared learning with patients and carers, clinicians and NHS England. Through their national collaborative programme with NHSE – Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN) – all 42 Integrated Care Systems developed an evidence-based self-harm intervention and resulted in a national increase of 10% in psychosocial assessment rates. 

Prof Shaheen Hamdy
Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health 

New treatment for swallowing problems after stroke 

Over the last 25 years, Professor Hamdy has identified the mechanisms underlying dysphagia after stroke and demonstrated that electrostimulation delivered to the pharynx dramatically alters brain regions controlling swallowing beneficially. In 2007, his research formed the basis of a spin-out company, Phagenesis Ltd. Together with collaborators, they developed Phagenyx, an automated, battery-operated bedside device that provides non-surgical therapy of Pharyngeal Electrical Stimulation (PES) to treat the cause of dysphagia. Phagenyx is available in the US, UK, and Europe, benefiting and restoring swallowing control in thousands of patients with severe dysphagia following stroke. 

Outstanding teaching innovation in social responsibility


Andy Howes, Sian Morgan, Hannah Strickland, Rai Lock, Anna Warburg, Rosa Archer
Faculty of Humanities 

PGCE Secondary Green Conference 

The project hosts an annual green conference for student teachers, where multiple secondary PGCE subjects convene to host a day during which they address climate justice issues as well as include skills sessions to innovate the practice of student teachers entering the profession. The aims of the day are to develop student teachers’ understanding and confidence with climate justice issues. This annual conference has been established for four years and has been growing in scope each year. This year included alumni experts, who are now Early Career Teachers (ECTs), enacting their learning in schools and contributing to the development of future secondary school teachers in English, Geography, Maths and Science.    

Highly commended

Still Parents, Midwifery Directorate
Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health 

Still Parents Study Days 

This project is providing student midwives with unique access to real life stories from people who have first-hand experience of baby loss, opening up conversations and improving understanding and empathy around bereavement care. According to student midwives, this is an aspect of midwifery care which learners identified to be particularly challenging. The project aims to upskill those that care for bereaved parents, in hopes of making optimal care more certain for grieving parents, in turn, contributing towards positive social change and better outcomes for all.

Harsha Parmar and Sarah Knighton
Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health 

Student-led health screening clinics 

This service-learning initiative developed new pharmacy clinics on campus for staff and students, providing accessible health checks, raising awareness around cardiovascular disease, identifying and delivering support to those at higher risk. The project aimed to establish free student-led health screening clinics and embed sustainable service-learning into pharmacy curriculum. This enabled students to develop and apply learning to the benefit of the immediate community whilst cultivating a sense of responsibility for local and wider society.   

Outstanding contribution to social and environmental impact through entrepreneurship


Mike Shaver, Helen Holmes, Maria Sharmina, Torik Holmes, Kristoffer Kortsen, Siobhan Kilbride, and Adeyemi Adelekan
Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Science and Engineering  

One Bin to Rule Them All 

One Bin To Rule Them All is an innovative, interdisciplinary project that enables a sustainable circular plastics economy by using behavioural understanding and new economic models to reshape recycling practices. From mapping household contamination to influencing UN Plastics Treaty negotiations, the team enables improved recycling outcomes across supply chains. The project has had a substantial impact on industry, policy, and public perceptions. The Innovative Materials Hierarchy has been adopted by 14 industry partners and trade bodies across the UK, USA, and EU.   

Highly commended 

Dr Richard Unwin, Prof Simon Clark and Prof Paul Bishop
Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health 

Complement Therapeutics: Developing new treatments for complement-mediated disease 

 This project established a spinout company, Complement Therapeutics (CTx), to develop new treatments for diseases driven by a part of the immune system called the ‘complement cascade’. The first target is Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD), the leading cause of adult blindness, which will reach 288 million cases worldwide by 2040. The initiative is based on groundbreaking research work at the University, where Dr. Unwin, Prof. Clark, and Prof. Bishop were studying the complement cascade – a component of our immune system – at the back of the eye. 

Ahmed Abdullah Saad Mohamed, Karim Habib and Salma Khaled
Faculty of Humanities  


Educuality is an innovative educational platform aiming to democratize learning by providing accessible and impactful peace education and environmental education through gamification. The project’s purpose is to foster social change and promote peace by educating young minds in the areas of peace and climate action. They aim to bridge societal gaps, especially focusing on rural areas, and to create a sustainable model for social change through education.   

Outstanding public engagement initiative: Contribution by our Cultural Institutions


Georgina Young, Dr Alexandra P. Alberda and Dr Njabulo Chipangura
Cultural Institution  

Anindilyakwa Return of Cultural Heritage (Manchester Museum) 

This project began unconditionally returning collections, belongings, and cultural heritage items to the Anindilyakwa people through careful partnerships. Following a repatriation process, the community now owns and cares for 174 items that are important to their traditions and memories. Among the returned collection is a group of dolls made from shells – Dadikwakwa-kwa in the Anindilyakwa language – which have already inspired the Dadikwakwa-kwa Project. This project is led by women artists from the Anindilyakwa Art Centre and was a finalist in the 2023 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Awards.   

Highly commended

Fiona Cariss and the Gallery of Sanctuary Project team
Cultural Institution  

The Whitworth Gallery of Sanctuary 

The Whitworth obtained Gallery of Sanctuary status, recognised by the City of Sanctuary, pledging to create a culture of solidarity, inclusivity, and welcoming people from forced displacement. The project is aiming to continue to create a place of care, consideration, and community as a gallery and park for everyone. They are working to become more inclusive and understanding of the barriers experienced by Sanctuary Seekers and do what they can to remove them. 

Outstanding public engagement initiative: Local/civic engagement


Professor Sarah Marie Hall, Dr Elizabeth Ackerley, Dr Alison Briggs, Dr Isis Barei-Guyot, Dr Laura Fenton and Dr Santiago Leyva del Rio
Faculty of Humanities  

Building solidarity, collaboration and co-production across academic and third-sector spaces to address poverty and intersecting crises in Manchester 

This project brings together academic and non-academic partners to develop knowledge and contribute to anti-poverty strategies in Manchester, as well as to inspire other inclusive research engagement. Through sharing and learning with community groups, the project has built collectives, led innovative and engaging outputs, and contributed to policy development in tackling poverty, homelessness and intersecting crises. Their 2022 event ‘Sharing Untold Stories in Creative Ways’ brought together local organisations fighting austerity and poverty through collaboration and creativity, by providing listening spaces, engagement platforms, and opportunities for capacity-building. 

Tess Hartland
Faculty of Humanities  

Echoes of displacement: A co-produced comic book presenting a collective story of growing older and seeking sanctuary in Manchester 

As part of her PhD, Tess co-produced ‘Echoes of Displacement’, a captivating comic book narrating the collective story of people growing older while seeking sanctuary in the UK. The aim for this comic book is to increase understanding and awareness by communicating research beyond academia, authentically represent and amplify the voices of older refugees and foster community engagement. The comic has been used by international NGOs (e.g. Age Platform Europe) and local government (e.g. Age-friendly Manchester) as best practice example for translating research and raising awareness of ageing experiences of marginalised groups. 

Highly commended

Dr Phil Galvin, Professor Patricia Perlman-Dee, Dr. Mike Arundale
Faculty of Humanities 

Social Impact Project 

The project provides an excellent opportunity for students to gain an understanding of the charitable and socially responsible sectors and their agenda/needs, by full immersion and direct work with clients on a specific business problem they are facing, e.g. related to marketing, location, or logistics. Delivered at the outset of the MBA programme, it grounds students in a socially responsible business perspective providing students with a broad, practical understanding of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. 

Dr Kirstie Hartwell, Dr Kelly Burgoyne – The University of Manchester, Dr Emma Pagnamenta – University of Reading, Prof. Vesna Stojanovik – University of Reading, Dr Rebecca Baxter – University of Reading
Faculty of Humanities and external to the University  

Working with Families to Co-Create Learning Materials for a Parent-Delivered Early Language Intervention for Children with Down Syndrome 

This project worked closely with six families to co-create learning materials, such as storybooks and activity packs, for a parent-delivered early language intervention programme specifically developed for children with Down Syndrome. The project represents critical initial steps in developing evidence-based intervention and highlights the benefits of working with families. 

Outstanding public engagement initiative: National/international engagement


The RoundView Team
Faculty of Humanities 

The RoundView: countering climate anxiety with hope, confidence and inspiration 

Building on 15 years of the University’s research, this project provides a big-picture, positive framework for sustainability learning and communication. It builds confidence by helping people systematically assess solutions against the fundamental principles of environmental sustainability. Working with UNESCO UK and the National Trust, more than 133,500 people have engaged with the RoundView since 2022. These hands-on learning tools facilitate global engagement, reaching audiences from youth to professionals and local to global leaders, inspiring both knowledge and action towards sustainability. 

Highly commended 

Anthony Peyton, Adam Fletcher, Michael Mallaburn, James Anderson, Kane Williams, Frank Podd, Daniel Conniffe and Michael O’Toole
Faculty of Science and Engineering 

Sensing Danger 

This project is a Virtual Reality based public engagement initiative designed to showcase the University’s world-leading research in buried threat detection and to highlight the global landmine problem, which still poses a daily threat of death or injury to millions of people worldwide. Sensing Danger allows members of the public to experience the challenge of demining (i.e. finding landmines) themselves and has showcased the initiative to a wide and varied audience of up to 6,500 participants across different events in the region. 

Claire McGourlay and The Justice Gap Student Reporter Scheme
Faculty of Humanities 

The Justice Gap Student Reporter Scheme 

This scheme writes articles about the law and justice, informing the public about how it relates to them, and covering lesser-known parts of the justice system often not covered in mainstream media. They focus on specific areas such as: criminal justice including miscarriages of justice; prison/probation; police and protest; immigration/asylum; freedom of speech; homelessness; social welfare law; austerity and civil liberties. The Justice Gap is widely read with 22,3000 followers on X. 

Outstanding public engagement initiative: Public contribution


Jo Yee Cheung, Patrick Shepard and Sarah Ampil
External to the University 

Olympias Music Foundation 

This is an award-winning music charity based in Manchester Museum that work to champion diversity in music. The foundation aims to democratise access to music education by removing socio-economic barriers to ensure that everyone is given the opportunity to participate in music. Doing so contributes significantly to the cultural enrichment of the lives of our participants, the communities in which they live and helps evolve a more culturally diverse music sector. Founded in 2015, OMF has delivered 16,000+ free music lessons to children in Manchester, prioritising high quality, long-term engagement. 


Outstanding contribution to equality, diversity and inclusion

Student winner 

Muhammad Arinal Haq and Anita Ariyani
Faculty of Science and Engineering  

NAYS Social Projects 

NAYS Social Projects are a community empowerment program in remote areas in Indonesia, focusing on education, health, the economy, and the environment. The program involves various initiatives that invite youth participation to apply their knowledge and experience to address societal problems directly. The main objective of this activity is to transfer knowledge from the younger generation and overcome various inequalities in the education sector. This is achieved through the establishment of libraries and reading facilities. Additionally, the program aims to provide adequate healthcare access to the community through free health examinations and counselling, as well as empower the community’s economy while maintaining environmental sustainability. 

Staff winner 

Matthew Sinton, Dr Juan Quintana and Dr Alex Cocker
Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, and External to the University 

The STEM Village 

The aims of The STEM Village are to challenge heteronormative stereotypes in science and provide a platform for LGBTQ+ researchers to present their work to their respective fields. Their goal is to empower LGBTQ+ researchers to be open in their identities, where it is safe to do so, and to demonstrate that excellent research is not dependent on sexuality or gender. The aims of the project sit at the heart of improving equality, diversity, and inclusion in science. The findings and practices developed through this project can inform practices in other academic and non-academic settings. 

Highly commended 

Jennifer Davies, Emma Crosbie and the ACES team
Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health  

ACES LGBTQIA+: Alternative Cervical Screening Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual Plus 

The Alternative Cervical Screening (ACES) team is investigating the possibility of a urine test as an alternative to routine cervical screening. This work aims to increase screening coverage, especially in communities at risk of cervical cancer but with lower rates of screening attendance, such as the LGBTQIA+ community. The team has given the LGBTQIA+ community a voice to shape the future direction of the NHS cervical screening programme. Self-screening methods, including the urine HPV test pioneered in Manchester, have the potential to improve attendance at cervical screening, reducing the inequality and burden of cervical cancer. 

GM4Women2028 Charity – Prof Jackie Carter, Helen Pankhurst and Eve Holt
Faculty of Humanities, External to the University and University of Manchester alumni  

Dialogue, Deeds and Determination: Diversifying and strengthening voices, dialogue and connections of Women and Girls to powerholders in Greater Manchester 

This project is engaging with policy-makers, politicians, and the public, holding our elected representatives accountable, and committing to data-driven action to tackle gender inequality. The DDD project aims to affect positive change for women and girls in Greater Manchester by working with existing networks to establish a mechanism for stronger links with local powerholders. To improve civic engagement in Greater Manchester on gender inequality, between July 2022 and July 2023, the DDD project delivered 20 dialogue workshops at 4 events in Manchester, Wigan, Trafford, and Oldham, reaching 200 participants. As a result, GM4Women membership has grown by over 220, with 500 individuals, policy-makers, politicians, and GM organizations now members. 

Outstanding professional services for social responsibility


Alison Shedlock, Simon Ruding, Parvinder Sohal, Julie Butterworth and all staff members of the Steering Group
Faculty of Humanities, Central PS Division and Cultural Institution 

The Manchester Christmas Dinner  

This project, started in 2013, aims to provide young care experienced people with a memorable Christmas Day experience. They offer a warm and welcoming venue, delicious food, presents, and engaging activities facilitated by friendly hosts to chat and do activities with. Before leaving the guests choose a quilt lovingly made by Quilts for care leavers and a bagful of food essentials to keep them going over the festive period. 

Highly commended 

Fiona Coll, Mike Platt, Sadia Alam, Sarah Williams and Monique Sung
Central PS Division 

Inclusive Recruitment Pilot 

This project aimed to address resource needs following a cyber incident at the University whilst piloting inclusive recruitment methods, by collaborating with local partners to engage underrepresented groups. The initiative involved a 12-day program offering guaranteed interviews and qualifications leading to successful hires with strong career development opportunities. 

Peter Liddell and the Furniture4Reuse team
Central PS Division  


This service aims to re-use furniture on campus within departmental buildings and to donate furniture and other items to schools and charities. By reusing furniture on campus, it negates the need to purchase new items. Over the last 18 months they have donated items to 22 schools including nurseries, primary, secondary schools and alternative providers of education. Additionally, Furniture4Reuse donated 75 tonnes of furniture to 45 individual organisations saving them £365,000. 

Manchester Museum Stan T-Rex (Replica), Manchester Museum Workshop and Communication and Design Teams
Cultural institution 

Stan’s Secret Santa    

This initiative encouraged the donation of seasonal foodstuffs and gifts, for people experiencing poverty and homelessness across Manchester. They dressed the T-Rex ‘Stanta Claws’ in his own Santa Hat and added decorative lighting and colour co-ordinated painted collection boxes. The Stan’s Secret Santa project aimed to demonstrate shared empathy and compassion, especially during the current economic climate. 

Outstanding contribution to environmental sustainability and a zero carbon future


Dr Tom Kelly, Dr Chris Bowden, Dr Ryan Avery, Dr Kathryn Berger and Dr Timothy Foster
Faculty of Science and Engineering 


This project developed an interactive web application that helps farmers, businesses, and governments improve on agricultural water management and climate adaptation. The application also educates students and the public about water security and food sustainability. The AquaPlan app, launched in August 2023, allows users to interactively define a farming system, view and evaluate interactive graphs of crop yields and water requirements for their specified location. Users can also view how to optimize this by altering current farm management practices or technologies and assess the impacts of future climate change scenarios on crop production risks and irrigation water demands. 

Highly commended 

Laura Blandy and the Hospitality and Food on Campus team
Central PS Division 

Food waste reduction  

Following reports of high food waste across the University, this project created a plan to reduce food waste across the hospitality and events portfolio. Approximately 12,000 lines of food waste were diverted to a community fridge, helping those struggling during the cost-of-living crisis. This initiative has resulted in a reduction of food waste by around 25%. 

Isobel Taylor-Hearn
Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health  

Improving Sustainability in Labs 

This project provided monthly training in lab sustainability, aiming to educate individuals and provide them with practical strategies to make sustainable changes in labs. The workshop, attended by over 100 participants, introduced two tools – the Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework (LEAF) and the 6R strategy (Review, Reduce, Reuse, Refill, Replace, Recycle) – designed to improve lab sustainability. The workshops led to tangible changes in lab practices across the university, with many attendees inspired to complete the LEAF accreditations.

Outstanding contribution to widening participation

Student winner 

Alex Usher, Noé Bundsch, Pranav Bharadwaj Gangrekalve Manoj, Lucas Santos, Ellis McKenzie, Abigail Pentolfe and Nikhillesh Mahesh Kumar
Faculty of Science and Engineering 

University of Manchester Physics Outreach  

This student-led project aims to increase the diversity of student participation in STEM-based subjects (primarily physics) through engaging outreach activities. These include workshops for both primary and secondary schools, and science demonstrations at markets in the form of ‘science busking’. UMPO’s workshops are organised using the Manchester Prioritisation Model to specifically target students from disadvantaged backgrounds, ensuring schools who otherwise have limited access to such opportunities and events are reached. This year they attended 16 science busking events and hosted 18 workshops, reaching over 1200 students through workshops alone. 

Staff winner 

Dr David Allison and Ray Skwierczynski
Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health 

Celebrating 10 years of a bespoke Widening Participation undergraduate programme  

This is a project seeking to address inequities and support the progression of a talented cohort of young people currently under-represented in the MPharm degree in higher education. They have introduced a bespoke, contextual data-based Foundation Year programme specific to widening participation students who might not normally have such an opportunity. Ten cohorts (125 / 173 students) have now progressed from the one-year Foundation Year programme to the four-year MPharm degree with an 80% graduation success rate. 

Highly commended 

Bill Crowther, Dan Koning, Nicol Sutherland, Fathima Nehla Farhan, Tanya Prakash, Auvni Patel, Tadas Daraska and Mohammed Zahran Ayub
Faculty of Science and Engineering 

Giant Foamboard Aircraft: Inspiring the next generation of aerospace engineers  

This student-run project is designed to engage young people from under-represented groups with STEM career paths, especially in aerospace engineering. Traditional aerospace build-and-fly projects provide inspiration for STEM-based careers; however, it is often hard to provide meaningful engagement for those with little or no previous experience. The Giant Foamboard Aircraft (GFA) project is innovative in that it provides participants from all backgrounds with hands-on experience in building awe-inspiringly large aircraft based on craft materials and processes. 

Dr Chad Campbell and Ivan Wadeson
Faculty of Humanities 

Schools Writing Trail  

This project culminated in a literature trail that exhibited young people’s writing, through various writing initiatives and collaboration with 45 Greater Manchester schools. The project aimed to work specifically with primary and secondary schools, many serving low-income communities, over an academic year. One of the key aims was to educate and inspire young people, instil confidence and self-belief, and offer the opportunity to work with professional writers, and above all, to empower them to use creative writing as a tool to express themselves. 

Outstanding alumni contribution to social responsibility


Rosie Baker
University of Manchester alumni 

Planet Food York  

This is a food-waste-reduction social enterprise, operating a community café and food market using 100% surplus produce – all collected, sorted, preserved, cooked, redistributed or served – by local volunteers and self-employed people. Planet Food intercepts and redistributes edible, surplus food to anyone who wants to eat it or re-purpose it – a ‘win-win’ for social and environmental justice. Since 2018, Planet Food has acted on the climate emergency: to date, it has intercepted 1243 tonnes of food, resulting in 3666 tonnes CO2 savings.   

Highly commended 

Maria Chowdhury
University of Manchester alumni 

Scrubbed Up  

This non-profit organisation, co-founded by Maria Chowdhury, is supporting students getting into medical studies and further through it. Under Maria’s leadership in the past year, Scrubbed Up has provided support to prospective and current medical students through various projects. This includes partnering with REACHE Refugee Network and Rethink: Rebuild Society to assist students from refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds in pursuing medical education.   

Amy Thompson
University of Manchester alumni 

MS Together  

This project aims to address the social isolation and feelings of loneliness experienced by individuals upon being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. The charity provides an online community platform, virtual and in-person events and a 1-to-1 support service for people aged 18-35 living with MS. As a result of their efforts, the project was awarded the ‘Community Organisation Award for Disability’ at the National Diversity Awards 2022. 

Making a Difference Awards 2024 judges

We would like to say a huge thank you to all our panels of judges, who had the unenvious job of shortlisting over 120 entries.

The judges were:

  • Professor Colette Fagan, Vice-President for Research
  • Professor Nigel Hooper, Associate Vice-President for Research
  • Sook-Kyung Lee, Director, The Whitworth
  • Dr Laura Breen, Research Development and Impact Manager (Research Strategy)


  • Gabrielle Finn, Associate Vice-President for Teaching and Learning
  • Phil Drake, Director of Social Responsibility in the School of Social Sciences and Director of the Justice Hub
  • Jen O’Brien, Academic Lead for Sustainability Education
  • Emily Cooksey, Associate Dean for Student Experience and Graduate Outcomes
  • Rachel Lindley, Academic Lead, Service Learning in FBMH
  • Emma McKenna, Queens University, Belfast (a national award winner for community engaged learning)


  • Dr Leigh Wharton, MEC Social Enterprise Ambassador
  • Dr Lisa Riste, Research Fellow and Founder of Flag-Me CIC
  • Peter Bulkley, Independent Consultant
  • Matt Walsh, Network Director for Quality, Nursing & Allied Health Professionals, Pennine Care


  • Prof Sheena Cruickshank, Academic Lead for Public Engagement with Research
  • Mags Bradbury, Head of Social Responsibility and Civic Engagement
  • Vicky Grant, Family Programme Coordinator, Manchester Museum
  • Lily Barton, public contributor, RSA Fellow
  • Atiha Chaudry, (public contributor – Director, Equal Access Consultancy; (former Chair of Greater Manchester BAME Network and Senior Associate for Manchester BME Network CIC)


  • Banji Adewumi, Director of Equality Diversity and Inclusion
  • Rachel Cowen, Prof of Inclusive Research and Academic Development
  • Cath Prescott, Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust


  • Sheila Chisholm, University Safety Coordinator
  • Paula Dunn, Executive PA to the Registrar, Secretary & Chief Operating Officer
  • Natasha Maddison, Project Administrator, Strategic Change Office
  • Alison Shedlock, Assistant Director Estates & Facilities, Head of Campus Services Catering


  • Lucy Millard, Environmental Sustainability Manager
  • Roz Webster, Social Responsibility and Environmental Sustainability Project Officer, Humanities 
  • Thomas McDonald, Head of Environmental Sustainability and Engagement for the School of Natural Sciences
  • Giorgia Ravera, Environmental Sustainability Intern, Students’ Union
  • Sheri-Leigh Miles, Director, NETpositive Futures


  • Gemma Oaks, Student Access, Success and Development Officer
  • Emma Nichols, Outreach Manager in FSE
  • Sonja Bernhard, Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Coordinator (Outreach) in Humanities
  • Amie Richardson Projects Coordinator for the Greater Manchester Higher UniConnect
  • Hannah Rankine, Marketing Officer in FBMH


  • Helen Foote, Senior Alumni Officer
  • Richard Screaton, Head of Alumni Relations
  • Elisabeth Whittall, Head of Student Development (SU)
  • Lindsay Bann, Success and Development Manager
  • Naa Acquah, Head of Preparedness, Department of Health and Social Care and Trustee of The Kids Network.