Do you want to help inspire the engineers of the future?

A new engineering curriculum project aimed at local primary schools is being developed by Vector STEM Partnership with the support of the University’s Science & Engineering Education R&I Hub (Faculty of Science and Engineering, The plan involves working with graduate engineers to develop city-based field trips, focussing on examples of engineering in the Greater Manchester area.

We are looking for people who can spend around 12-15 hours (in total) during the summer and autumn of 2019, helping us design the engineering activities, and spending some time in schools helping teachers and pupils carry them out. The work is paid. If you think you would like to help, get in touch with Ken Mannion ( and write a few sentences about why you’d like to take part.

We won’t know if the bid has been successful until May 2019 but we think having engineers already signed up for the project will help the bid.

Posted on behalf of Dr Emily Cooksey, UG Recruitment and Widening Participation Officer (Academic Enrichment STEM)| Directorate for the Student Experience | The University of Manchester