Friday 3 October 2014, 10:30am to 5pm, Society of Chemical Industry, London.
Are you PASSIONATE about your RESEARCH? Do you think it is important for GOOD SCIENCE and EVIDENCE to be communicated to a wider audience? What can you do to address SCIENTIFIC MISCONCEPTIONS and MISINFORMATION? Then the Standing up for Science media workshop is for you.
Who is this for? This free one day event is open to early career researchers in all sciences, engineering and medicine (PhD students, post-docs or equivalent in first job).
What is covered? This one day workshop will explore the following areas:
- Science in the media: What happens when research announcements go wrong; statistics are manipulated; risk factors are distorted; or discussions become polarised? Previous speakers have included Prof Stephen Keevil, MRI Consultant, Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital; Dr Maria Van Kerkhove, Senior Research Fellow, Faculty of Medicine, School of Public Health, Imperial College London.
- What journalists are looking for: How do journalists approach stories and balance the need for news and entertainment with reporting science? And deal with accusations of polarising debates and misrepresenting facts? Previous speakers have included Anna Buckley, Radio Producer, BBC Science; Claire Coleman, Freelance Journalist; Richard Van Noorden, Assistant News Editor at Nature.
- Standing up for science; the nuts and bolts: This session offers practical guidance for early career researchers to get their voices heard in debates about science; how to respond to bad science when you see it; and top tips for if you come face-to-face with a journalist! Previous speakers have included Gail Wilson, Research Media Officer for the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Imperial College London; Victoria Murphy, Sense About Science.
How to apply: Our workshops are very popular and there are only 40 places available. Please send your CV and short cover letter to Victoria Murphy ( by Friday 19 September 2014.
Sense About Science is a small charity that equips people to make sense of science and evidence. Follow us on Twitter | @senseaboutsci | @voiceofyoungsci | #VoYS