To find out more, book your place on one of the monthly information sessions between December 2014 and July 2015
Dementia Friends is a national initiative run by Alzheimer’s Society and one of the University’s social responsibility flagship programmes.
Raising awareness of dementia is one very small step that we can all take to make a difference, regardless of whether we have any direct experience of dementia. Dementia Friends aims to improve people’s understanding of dementia and its effects. The Alzheimer’s Society is working with lots of volunteers and organisations, including the University, to achieve this goal. Because, together, we can create dementia friendly communities.
Since the initiative was launched nine months ago, over 30 members of staff at the University have undertaken training to become Dementia Friends Champions. These champions have committed to delivering Dementia Friends information sessions both in their local communities and across the University.
We have scheduled an information session each month from December until July 2015. Information sessions only last an hour and are designed to help people build a better understanding of dementia and understand what part they can play in creating a dementia-friendly society.
Booking: If you would like to become a Dementia Friend, then please book yourself a place on an information session at:
STDU Training Catalogue: Dementia Friends Information Session
Further information: For more information about the Dementia Friends programme, please visit: Social Responsibility