Exploring the potentials and futures of natural dyeing
As awareness grows around the environmental and health impacts of textile production and consumption, natural dyeing is gaining interest as a sustainable, eco-friendly alternative to synthetic dyeing.
A partnership between The University of Manchester, Woven and Stitched Up explores the role of natural dyeing in sustainable textile production, as well as its potential to enhance community well-being and environmental stewardship.
In 2024, a series of public engagement events, at the host of national festivals, ranging from dialogue events to hands-on activities, saw the creation of this unique collaboration. The events explored the potential of natural dyeing for not only reducing ecological impact but also enhancing community connection. Both the online talks and hands-on workshops have sparked meaningful conversations about the future of textile production, as well as the potential of the natural dyeing process to encourage creativity, sustainability, and community engagement.
For more information:
- Visit Woven’s website.