Reflecting on five years of Patient & Public Involvement and Engagement
Every year, the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health (FBMH) holds a celebration event to mark the amazing achievements made by our staff, students and Public Contributors across Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE).
Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) describes the many ways patients and the public are actively involved in our research and teaching. In any one year, over 1,000 patients and people with lived experience (public contributors) make extremely valuable contributions, from interviewing and training medical and healthcare students to advising on research.
This annual PPIE event to thank public contributors and staff and students is usually a very sociable occasion, therefore this year’s event was designed to be as interactive as possible despite being held on Zoom. With a theme ‘Celebrating five years of PPIE’, attendees worked together to come up with ideas to adapt PPIE for the digital platform.
Looking back on the last five years of PPIE since the creation of the Faculty, attendees celebrated this milestone with our guest speakers who showcased the range of activities that have taken place over the years:
- Sheena Cruickshank, Professor of Public Engagement & Biomedical Science, Division of Infection, Immunity & Respiratory Medicine.
- Sally Giles, Claire Planner, Becci Morris – a joint presentation from three researchers within Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary care
- Ellena Badrick, Research Associate, Division of Molecular & Clinical Cancer Studies
- Kate Smith, Manager for the Manchester Academy for Healthcare Scientist Education (MAHSE)
- Angela Ruddock, Public Contributor and chair of PRIMER PPIE group
- Will Dixon, Professor of Digital Epidemiology, Division of Musculoskeletal & Dermatological Sciences
- Jenny Ward, Research Co-ordinator, Digital Experimental Cancer Medicine Team
The event also featured the Faculty’s ‘Outstanding Contribution to PPIE’ awards which recognise the inspirational and outstanding commitment to PPIE that has made a positive difference to the community, find out more about our winners here.
A recording of the event is available to watch now online