Responsible procurement supplier exhibition
Earlier this month the Procurement Office held a very successful Supplier Exhibition for staff and postgraduates students.
As social responsibility is one of the University’s three core goals, this year’s theme was ‘Responsible Procurement’ (#ResponsibleProcurement), a process where buyers consider the social, environmental and economic impacts of their purchases to support sustainable development.
All exhibitors were able to demonstrate how they could support us in buying more responsibly. For example, one of the suppliers provides plasticware for labs which is recycled from another of their plastic products.
The procurement team also wanted the exhibition to support the excellent community engagement work of the University, and were keen to demonstrate the value that the partnership between the University and our contracted suppliers provides. In consultation with the Director of Finance and the Director of Social Responsibility we agreed that any surplus funds from the event would be donated to the Equity and Merit Scholarships for international master’s students whose aim is to assist talented but economically disadvantaged students from some of the world’s poorest countries. The Procurement Office is pleased to report that it has raised over £10,000 for this worthy cause.
Rob Summers, Head of Regular Giving said: “This is the first time an event such as this has directly contributed towards scholarships at the University and the money raised will make an incredible difference to the student who will benefit, helping them study for a degree that will be of great benefit to them and their home country. On behalf of those who will benefit, thank you to everybody who has made this possible.”