Stellify: Inspiring Manchester’s Future Stars

The University’s commitment to supporting students in becoming socially responsible and highly employable citizens of the world has stepped up a gear, with a new initiative that seeks to encourage all Manchester students to become ‘the best graduate they can be’.

Under the banner of ‘Stellify’ – a word meaning ‘to change, or be changed into a star’ – the University is encouraging students to participate in some of our most distinctive and developmental extra and co-curricular activities, helping them to broaden their horizons, understand the issues that matter in contemporary society and step up to make a difference in their communities.

Stellify is both a challenge and a transformational journey. It pinpoints distinctive opportunities that are available to University of Manchester students thanks to our commitment to social responsibility and our positive relationships with extensive local and global communities.

At the same time, the initiative provides students with a pathway to follow in order to develop five key attributes that are typical of Manchester’s most successful graduates: embracing learning without boundaries; understanding the issues that matter; making a difference; stepping up; and thinking about their future.

A key activity for new undergraduates is the Manchester Leadership Award. This enables students to work across disciplines to tackle major global issues in our Ethical Grand Challenges, while developing new skills and greater confidence through undertaking volunteering work and taking on roles of responsibility within their communities.

The path to stellification will be unique for every student – but a new Stellify microsite will offer inspiration and guidance on relevant opportunities for personal and professional growth, from events such as Justfest: the Volunteering and Social Justice Festival, to co-curricular opportunities such as international and interdisciplinary course units, and our multitude of student volunteering experiences.

If you have any questions about Stellify or the Manchester Leadership Award, please email