Engagement@Manchester runs a series of lunchtime meetings exploring different aspects of public engagement. All university staff and students are welcome to attend and find out more.

The next meeting will look at Using Social Media and take place on Weds 19 June, 13:00 – 14:00, Kanaris Lecture Theatre, Manchester Museum.

You will have the opportunity to find out more about how people are using twitter, blogs and other forms of social media; hear case studies from colleagues from across the University, and have the chance to network with other staff and students interested in this aspect of public engagement.

The speakers are:

  • Matthew Cobb, Professor of Zoology and Associate Dean for Social Responsibility, Faculty of Life Sciences. @matthewcobb tweets mainly about science though he has been know to shout about current affairs or even football. He has about 1200 followers, mainly people interested in science, along with a number of Russian women who say they want to marry him.
  • Campbell Price, Curator of Egypt and Sudan, Manchester Museum. “Blogging Ancient Egypt” Ancient Egypt is one of the most popular search topics on the internet; Campbell will discuss using social media to connect museum visitors – both physical and virtual – with Manchester’s incredible collection of 16,000+ objects from ancient Egypt and Sudan.

We hope you’re able to join us for our last meeting of the academic year.

Breaking News: Following on from this session, we will be hosting a taster workshop on social media and public engagement for researchers and academics. This will cover principles, good practice, considerations, and ethics. The workshop will take place 17 July 2013, 13:00 – 14:00, Uni Place, 6.206. All are welcome.