Engagement@Manchester: Summer Schools

by | Nov 5, 2014

Engagement@Manchester is back on 19 November, offering you an opportunity to meet staff and students from across the University who are interested in exploring different aspects of public engagement.

This month’s topic is “Hosting a residential Summer School: Top Tips and Best Practice”. This session will welcome three colleagues to speak about their experiences of running residential pre-application summer schools for school and college students aged 18 and under, share key safeguarding information on working with this audience and type of activity, and will give attendees the chance to discuss their plans for residential activity and ask any questions.

When: 19 November 2014, 1-2pm
Where: University Place 3.213
Who: Everyone is welcome – no experience in engagement activities needed! Free, drop-in, bring your lunch.

For full details of speakers and more information please see: www.engagement.manchester.ac.uk/resources/engagement/

And if you missed out on previous events, (we’ve explore topics including Engaging with Young People; Presenting in Unusual Places, Public Engagement in Teaching, Media Engagement) you can catch on the resources and talks here:

We hope to see you there!

Posted by Emma Lewis, UG Recruitment and Widening Participation Officer (Academic Enrichment STEM), The University of Manchester