BIG, the Skills Sharing Network for people in STEM Communication, invites you to our next BIG Sci Comm Social. See: BIG's Sci Comm Socials are a regular social gathering of people who work in, or are interested in, science communication,...
shared practice
Creating Accessible STEM Outreach Activities
On Wednesday the 19 February, Engagement@Manchester hosted a best practice event centred on creating science outreach activities that are accessible and engaging for young people with sensory impairments. The session was chaired by Emma Nichols, Public Engagement...
Engagement@Manchester: Creating Accessible STEM Outreach Activities
Engagement@Manchester: Creating Accessible STEM Outreach Activities 19 February 2020, 13:00 – 14:30, Roscoe Building room 2.4 In the last few years, a number of projects in the Faculty of Science and Engineering have aimed to make science accessible and engaging for...
Engagement@Manchester session: 20 November, 1-2pm – All welcome
Our next Engagement@Manchester session will showcase projects funded through the University’s Institutional Strategic Support Fund Public Engagement schemes. Hear about a project engaging women in still birth research, one clearing the haze surrounding scientific...
Engagement@Manchester – 15 May 2019, 1.00-2.30pm with Dr Emily Dawson, UCL
Engagement@Manchester - 15 May 2019, 1.00-2.30pm, Michael Smith Building (lecture theatre at entrance) Increasingly as public engagement practitioners we are asked to look at ways we might engage with more diverse audiences. But what do we know about who, how and why...
Join us for our final Engagement@Manchester session for this academic year
Community Engagement: Empowering Young People, featuring special guest Ruth Ibegbuna - Wednesday 16 May, 13.00 - 14.30, Discovery Centre, Manchester Museum Ruth Ibegbuna, is the Founder of RECLAIM, building on her successful teaching career to develop innovative...
Impact and research partnerships: E@M lunchtime session, 7 Feb 2018, 13.00 drop-in
We are delighted to announce that the next Engagement@Manchester lunchtime share session will take place on Wednesday 7 February 2018. Drop-in and listen to colleagues who share their experiences of impact and research partnerships. Join a discussion on the current...
Engagement Matters: You are never too old to learn new tricks
In this Engagement Matters post, Sheena Cruickshank shares her experience of presenting her research using curious objects and storytelling techniques. As part of European Researcher’s Night, I recently participated in the Science Uncovered event at Manchester Museum....
Engagement@Manchester – Storytelling and public engagement, 18 Oct 2017, 1-2:30pm, Manchester Museum
Looking for some more inspiration, insights and shared experiences about public engagement activities taking place across The University of Manchester? Then come along to our first enagement@manchester event for 2017/18… Storytelling and public engagement - 18 October...
Engagement Matters: Developing Table Top Science Activities
In this Engagement Matters post Sheena shares her six top tops developing a table top science activity. There are lots of things to think about if you want to create a successful table top activity. Before you do this it may help to go (or help at) an event in which...
Engagement Matters: Table Top Science: Practicalities on the Day (FAQs)
In this Engagement Matters post Sheena continues to share her top tops on the logistics of delivering table top science activities at public facing events. I recently wrote about how to set up and prepare for delivering a table top activity at a science festival...
Engagement Matters: Preparing for Table Top Science: tips on what info you will need to consider
In this Engagement Matters post Sheena shares her top tops for the logistics of preparing to deliver table top science activities at public facing events. We are just in the throes of preparing to do a festival event in which we will have a table top* activity to try...
Engagement Matters: Lessons from Leshner public engagement fellows
Welcome to "Engagement Matters" a new blog post series all about public engagement at The University of Manchester. Each month Dr Sheena Cruickshank, our Academic Lead for Public Engagement, along with guest bloggers will share some highlights and insights of taking...
Engagement@Manchester: Working with schools and young people 17 May, 1– 2:30pm
Engagement@Manchester: Working with schools and young people - 17 May, 1 – 2:30pm, G38 Coupland 1 Building. In this session, led by the Student Recruitment and Widening Participation team, you’ll have the opportunity to hear from Staff and Students who have...
Engagement@Manchester – Partnerships for research collaborations – 29 March 2017, 1:00 -2:30pm, Simon Building, 4.38
In our next Engagement@Manchster session we explore the diversity of research collaborations and engagement across different commercial, service, and third sector organisations. Our academics will highlight the challenges of the developing and managing such...
Unusual festivals for engaging the public in your research
Our next Engagement@Manchester lunchtime meeting exploring issues of public engagement is on Wednesday 18 March, 1-2pm at Manchester Museum. Unusual festivals for engaging the public in your research This session will explore some of the more unusual festival events...