How we are promoting better health and wellbeing
We’re unique among UK universities in having social responsibility as a core goal in our strategic plan, Our Future. Our commitment to social responsibility is seen in the difference we make to society and the environment through our teaching, research, public engagement and operations – locally, nationally and internationally. Our Social Responsibility and Civic Engagement Plan has five priorities: social inclusion, prosperous communities, better health, environmental sustainability and cultural engagement.
While major progress has been made in improving health and wellbeing, there remain significant challenges in understanding, preventing and tackling disease and addressing key health challenges locally, nationally and internationally. The global coronavirus pandemic has significantly exacerbated these global and regional health inequalities.
Here at The University of Manchester we’re committed to promoting good health and wellbeing for our staff, students and communities, both locally and globally. We will listen to, engage with and involve people on campus, in communities and around the world to support advances in health, wellbeing and social care through our full range of activities.
Our work to create better health outcomes is characterised by regional collaboration through the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership, NHS trusts and Health Innovation Manchester and globally with partners to address key areas of Sustainable Development Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing, particularly in relation to fighting communicable and non-communicable diseases and enhancing access to healthcare in the Global South.
Through these collaborations, we’re tackling key health challenges through our research, teaching and social responsibility activities.
Find out more about our work on better health: