Report and Support
On the 20 February the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Team at the University launched a new web-based platform called Report and Support. This platform builds on the success of the online reporting form developed as part of the 2014 ‘We Get It’ campaign. The campaign called for members of our University community, staff, students and visitors to stand up to bullying, harassment, sexual harassment and discrimination. Its key messages have been to think, talk, and report and get support.
The We Get It Campaign which won Gold for best corporate campaign at the 2016 HEIST Awards has increased awareness on issues relating to bullying, harassment, sexual harassment and discrimination.
The campaign and reporting system has been highlighted as good practice by Universities UK in their recent report ‘Changing the culture: Report of the Universities UK Taskforce examining violence against women, harassment and hate crime affecting university students’. It will also be included in HEFCE’s good practice guidance on sector leading and innovative practice in advancing Equality and Diversity, due to be published later this year.
Our new Report and Support Platform goes even further, it still provides a secure reporting section where students, staff and visitors can report an incident anonymously or get confidential support from a Harassment Support Advisor. It also has a support section which directs users to information on the University’s reporting processes and the internal and external support available on bullying, harassment, hate crime, sexual harassment, sexual assault and discrimination. It provides guidance for those who might know someone in need of support; this might be a friend, colleague, student or member of staff. It provides some tips on what to think about if this has happened, who they can talk to, and how they can report something. A campaigns section promotes the work the University and the Students Union are undertaking as part of our prevention approach to bullying, harassment, sexual harassment and discrimination.
The new Report and Support platform is available to all staff and students.
Further information is available from the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Team on 0161 306 5857.