I’m a Scientist, Stay at Home
The I‘m a Scientist, Stay at Home! project is enabling school pupils to engage with active researchers and staff to provide inspiring STEM lessons for pupils as they are taught at home during the school closures. Pupils engage in online text chats where they can ask scientists questions and find out about their work. Pupils then vote for their favourite researcher at the end. UKRI funding is enabling I’m a Scientist to expand its online platform to reach over 1,200 schools and 140,000 pupils over the summer term.
We’re looking for UKRI-funded researchers and staff to take part. It’s a great way for you to hone your communication skills and inspire the next generation about research. If you would like to find out more and sign up to take part, please visit https://imascientist.org.uk/stayathome/scientist-signup/ukri/.