Opportunity: Evidence Week – What will you ask your MP?
On 1st November, we are launching Evidence Week in Westminster 2021. We are inviting individuals from across the UK to ask how well-equipped the government and parliament are to understand and use scientific information. Brand new for 2021 is our Ask an MP discussion board, providing you and your colleagues the chance to ask an MP about whether they’re using evidence to inform decisions on issues that matter to you.
Evidence Week will cover many topics including net-zero carbon emissions, evidence on improving employment prospects and digital twinning, but we want people to ask about the issues that matter to them. We will be inviting a cross section of those who submit questions through the site to attend our Virtual Opening Event and directly ask their question to their MP along with a panel of experts, including the National Statistician and, parliamentary committee chairs, to provide answers.
The recording from last year’s event can be found here.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, more policy has been passed than any other time outside of wartime. We have all seen how essential it is for decision makers to be able to rapidly get to grips with all kinds of evidence, and be able to lead informed policy making in a complicated and quickly changing situation.
Parliament’s role is to scrutinise what the government does, and to look at and understand issues that affect their constituents in the UK. That is why we are hosting a question-led conversation, to make sure that MPs have their hands on the best tools and information to hold the government to account. Right now, I’m sure you, along with us, feel that this is urgently needed.
This is a fantastic opportunity to Ask an MP about the evidence that matters to you. We would be grateful if you could spread the word to colleagues, friends, family and others to submit questions and help us in the aim of equipping our parliament with the tools to tackle the challenges ahead.
Become part of the conversation on twitter with #AskAnMP and #EvidenceWeek.
If you have any questions about the event or the discussion board, please do not hesitate to email me.
Posted on behalf of Sam Shingles, Events and Communications Assistant, Sense About Science