The Story Collider – storytelling online workshops

by | Oct 21, 2021

Whether you are a scientist looking to explore true, personal storytelling as a new way of communicating your science, or a performer looking to understand the science behind what makes personal storytelling so effective, the online workshops from The Story Collider are for you.

Through a mix of sharing scientific research, analyzing stories, and engaging in hands-on activities, our workshops lead participants in becoming storytellers and storylisteners so that they can embed the practice of storytelling into the rest of their lives.

Registration is now open for the winter series of online storytelling workshops – running from November 1st through November 12th – find out more at

Registration fee: We consider a fair price for our classes to be $150. But we offer all of our classes on a sliding scale in an attempt to make them more open. More details about fees on our website.

Posted on behalf of Erin Barker, Executive Director of The Story Collider

Not sure of this is for you? In this Engagement Matters post, Professor Sheena Cruickshank shares her experience of attending a Story Collider workshop and reflects on her own role in communicating science.