Widening Participation Fellowships – Info session and Call for PhDs out now
“Being a WP Fellow has helped me get through some of the tougher days of my PhD. Science should be accesible to to all – and being a WP Fellow makes that possible.” – Mel, Phd Researcher, Faculty of Sicience and Engineering
Posts available 2018/19 academic year: Positions are open to all non-final year PhD students. Further information can be found here.
School specific posts (deliver work based on UG/PG school) within:
- Faculty of Science and Engineering – emily.cooksey@manchester.ac.uk
- Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health – emma.britain@manchester.ac.uk
- Faculty of Humanities – laura.cragg@manchester.ac.uk
Non-specific posts:
- Primary schools – alison.gregory@manchester.ac.uk
COME ALONG TO OUR WP FELLOW INFORMATION EVENT: 2-3pm 20th June 2018, John Casken Theatre, Martin Harris Building (with cake!). Register for this event here by June 13th 2018.
WP FELLOW ONLINE APPLICATIONS OPEN: 26th June – 17th August 2018
You can apply to become a WP Fellow using the oniline application form – here.
More information about the work that the University completes in widening participation can be found in the annual report here.
Posted on behalf of Emily Cooksey |UG Recruitment and Widening Participation Officer (Academic Enrichment STEM)| | Directorate for the Student Experience | The University of Manchester