A partnership approach to innovation and growth in Manchester
ID Manchester was recently revealed to be part of Greater Manchester’s £160m Investment Zone. The government funding will support the creation of the a new innovation hub which will provide space for early stage IP-rich companies to grow and scale-up.
ID Manchester is the next chapter in Manchester’s remarkable growth story. A new £1.7 billion innovation district, delivered in partnership between The University of Manchester and Brunwood SciTech, ID Manchester will transform the University’s North Campus (formerly UMIST) into a vibrant, sustainable and inclusive new neighbourhood, delivering offices and innovation space, new homes, revitalised green spaces and retail, leisure and cultural facilities.
It will be home to the UK’s most innovative, forward-thinking companies and help to propel Manchester on the global stage, creating thousands of new jobs in science and technology and delivering education, apprenticeship and training opportunities for local people.
Working in partnership with Manchester City Council, the University has set out the vision and ambitions for ID Manchester in a Strategic Regeneration Framework (SRF). Through engagement with key stakeholders, including neighbouring residents, local businesses and community groups, we ran a successful SRF public consultation process in 2023 that has paved the way for ongoing engagement with our local communities.
We are working with the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and other civic partners to put ID Manchester at the heart of the city region’s Investment Zone plan. This will see ID Manchester playing a key role in driving the growth of the region’s materials and manufacturing sector.
The first activities on the ID Manchester site will begin in autumn 2024 with the opening of the Renold Building as an innovation hub. Here, early stage companies will be supported to develop new ideas and solutions that help tackle global challenges impacting people and the planet. This is the first exciting step for a development that will, over the next 10-15 years, create 10,000+ good quality jobs and over 1,500 new homes.
- If you want to know more, please visit our website or get in touch with us at hello@idmanchester.co.uk.