Forum with older people as part of Manchester Urban Ageing Research group
Understanding the relationship between population ageing and urban change has become a major issue for public policy and an increasingly important area for interdisciplinary research. The Manchester Urban Ageing Research Group (MUARG) brings together researchers from a wide variety of disciplinary backgrounds who are committed to working with national, regional and local government, third-sector organisations, non-government organisations, and older people, to promote ‘age-friendly’ urban environments.
In line with the values of the research group, we aim to listen to and engage with a range of people with lived experiences of urban ageing. To help meet this aim, on the 26 October we brought together a diverse range of older people from across Greater Manchester and held our first forum. People attended from across Greater Manchester, represented a range of ethnic and social backgrounds, and were diverse in terms of a mix of people who have been involved in previous research projects but also a number of new people.
MUARG is asking this forum of older people to work with us to critically reflect on the activities of the research group and ensure that our research is relevant and to develop new knowledge in the field of urban ageing. The first meeting was used to co-create the terms of reference for the new group, and it’s clear that there is a desire to use the group as a way of sharing views and increasing our understanding of the different ways in which older people’s communities are changing.
The forum of older people presents an opportunity for University researchers to gain a greater understanding of the needs of older people, both in Manchester and other cities experiencing similar changes and challenges. We would like to thank the members of our new forum of older people, we look forward to working together.