Cafe Scientifique – Call for science communicators!

by | Feb 28, 2019

Working in collaboration with MADLab at PLANT NOMA, Cafe Scientifique is an informal open dialogue event where anyone is invited to come and explore the latest ideas in science and technology. It is a forum for debating science issues, and is currently looking for motivated science communicators to contribute to the series of talks this academic year.

The events are free and typically involve a 30 minute interactive talk and a Question and Answer session, but could take other formats as well.

Where? Meetings take place in cafes, bars, restaurants and even theatres, usually outside a traditional academic context.

When? Monthly. The dates vary each month due to space restriction so please double check the event announcement via the MadLab website or the Facebook page.

For more information on what to expect, why not browse Cafe Scientifique’s past events here.

Want to get involved? If you would like to share your research ideas at upcoming events or want to get involved in organising, please contact Dr Bo Yao at