Encouraging Collaboration BRC Public Engagement Fund
This fund aims to:
- Encourage collaborative working between BRC themes and provide support for the BRC cross-cutting themes;
- Support imaginative approaches to engaging diverse audiences;
- Increase awareness amongst people and patients about opportunities to participate in BRC research (especially in groups/geographies with currently low participation rates).
Awards: We expect applications in the region of £1,000 – £3,000 per project.
Preparing an application
Potential applicants must discuss their idea with their PPIE Theme Lead and/or the Public Programmes PPIE Project Manager before submission. If the proposed projects or activities do not fit the funding criteria, applicants may be signposted to more appropriate funding opportunities.
- Encouraging Collaboration BRC PE fund – information for applicants (pdf)
- Encouraging Collaboration BRC PE fund application form 2018 (doc)
Submitting an application
Applications must be sent to publicprogrammes@mft.nhs.uk by Monday 10th September 2018 (23:59).
Further information and to apply: https://www.manchesterbrc.nihr.ac.uk/news-and-events/encouraging-collaboration-brc-public-engagement-grant/