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Social Responsibility news

Staff network groups

Staff network groups

The University has a number of staff network groups and they are a fantastic way to network with people from all over the University.  Many of the groups also offer confidential support and advisory services from their members to any member of staff. Staff network...

Pathways to Law graduation 2024

Pathways to Law graduation 2024

On Saturday 27 April, the University celebrated the success of Year 13 students on the Pathways to Law programme at a Graduation ceremony held at The University's Whitworth Art Gallery. Proud family and friends joined us for an afternoon of reflection and celebration,...

How biodiverse is our campus?

How biodiverse is our campus?

The University’s Environmental Sustainability Strategy aims to protect and enhance our environment and prevent uncontrolled climate change. One of the core goals of the strategy, is ‘valuing nature’ which focuses on how we work with and alongside nature.  We want our...

Venture Further Awards 2024

Venture Further Awards 2024

The Masood Entrepreneurship Centre (MEC) at The University of Manchester is delighted to announce its social and environment category winners after successfully concluding the Venture Further Awards 2024, the UK’s leading university-led start-up competition. The...