Nominate someone for the John Maddox Prize 2023
Don’t miss the opportunity to nominate a courageous researcher for the John Maddox Prize 2023. It is the only global initiative of its kind to reward researchers advancing discourse in matters of public interest, despite facing difficulty in doing so.
You have until 1 May 2023 to complete the nomination form.
The prize is a joint venture between Sense about Science and the journal Nature, recognizing those who face extraordinary challenges and advocating for an open and honest environment in which society can discuss scientific evidence.
We welcome nominations for individuals from all disciplines and from around the world – please read about past winners for inspiration. The prize commemorates Sir John Maddox, a passionate defender of science, and former editor of Nature. Sir John engaged with difficult debates and encouraged others to do the same, with a separate prize recognizing early career researchers. See our website for full details of judging criteria.
The Maddox Prize is a unique platform for researchers subjected to intimidation and hostility, so please share the opportunity to nominate or be nominated with colleagues and your networks. We want as many people as possible to have the chance to be acknowledged – especially those in countries or fields where it is hard to get recognition.
Posted on behalf of Helen Wilson, Policy and Campaigns Assistant. Any questions contact: Helen at: