Nuffield Research Placements (for year 12 pupils)

by | Dec 3, 2022

All About STEM manages the Nuffield Research Placement programme in the North West region (Cumbria, Lancashire, Merseyside, Greater Manchester, and Cheshire). The programme enables selected Year 12 students to engage in a 2-3 week summer research placement with an academic or industry partner. Academics and/or PhD researchers can host a project.

We are currently promoting the programme within schools across the region – our students are very enthusiastic and registration is going well. Registration for project hosts are now also open and we would would be delighted if you can offer a placement to 1 or more students.

The deadline for project applications in the North West region is 28th February 2023.

Project Registration

Please complete our ‘Project Registration Template – ’ NRP 2023 NW Project Registration Template (doc) and return to Helen McCann at This document asks specific questions so that I can understand your project and your needs. I will register the project onto the NRP database for you. This allows me to frame the description so that I can manage student expectations from the very beginning.

Login to your NRP Account

If you would prefer to register your project onto the NRP database, you can do so by logging into your NRP account. Our guide ‘NRP Online System Provider Registration’ – NRP_Online system_Provider registration (pdf) provides the necessary links for logging into your account or creating your account if you are new to NRP.

Overview of the NRP Programme

An overview of the programme can be found here.

  • Provide an opportunity for students to develop their STEM and research skills and to see the real-world application of their studies
  • Provide students with HE/employer insights, developing career awareness and aspiration
  • Take place end July – August (during summer holidays)
  • Are for Y12 students from disadvantaged backgrounds (socio-economic and academic eligibility criteria apply)
    2 or 3 weeks of collaborative research activities with a host organisation. For students, the whole experience lasts 4-6 weeks as they complete pre-placement modules
  • Placements cover a wide range of topics including: Astronomy/Astrophysics, Biochemistry, Biology, Biomedical Science, Chemistry, Computing, Earth Sciences, Engineering/Manufacturing, Environmental, Forensic, Geography, Mathematics, Physics, Psychology, Social Sciences, Statistics/Data Science

See programme overview for 2023 – NRP 2023_ Summary of programme (pdf)

See example project descriptions – NRP 2022_Placement description examples (pdf)

If you have any questions contact: Helen McCann, Nuffield Research Placement Co-Ordinator (North West), All About STEM via email: