Volunteer at Green Man Festival August 2019

by | Jul 23, 2019


I am looking for five volunteers to help man an immunology/antibiotic resistance stall in Einstein’s Garden at Green Man Festival 15-18th August. I will be running Outbreak! over two sessions each day – a treasure hunt style activity around a fictional bacterial outbreak that the players need to contain using clues, quizzes etc. Besides the information hub for the game, there will be low tec activities for visitors, to enable discussion around the role of the immune response in fighting bacteria.

Basic information:
– you need to be available 15th-18th August
– Ticket to the festival is FREE
– Travel expenses paid but make your own way there (Breacon Beacons)
– you need to camp (ie bring/borrow a tent)
– you will be on a rota 10-6pm every day on a stand in Einstein’s garden
– volunteering is NOT weather dependent. We will go ahead whatever!
– you will be briefed on all activities beforehand including the science :-).

Most importantly the line up for the festival is here:

If you are interested please let me know ASAP: Jo Pennock – email: joanne.pennock@manchester.ac.uk