Wellcome Trust ISSF Public Engagement Funding Available – Deadline 26 June 2015
Projects are sought under this call that are imaginative and substantial projects that engage a broad range of the public in a variety of ways. For example, these could involve activities with sections of the public who are not usually reached by engagement activities, take a novel approach with groups who do traditionally engage or combining science and art in unusual sites or with a striking theme.
Established activities will be supported but the call should be treated as an opportunity to refresh and renew activity in an innovative way.
To support innovative projects in the areas of biomedical research. The scheme is open to staff and postgraduate students across the University for Public Engagement and outreach projects around the general theme of biomedical research and health, but must be led by an academic member of staff in FLS or FMHS. Projects involving colleagues in FEPS or Humanities are encouraged and will be given priority.
The deadline date for applications is: 26 June 2015 and should be submitted to issf@manchester.ac.uk.
Download full details of the call ISSF-Public-Engagement-Call-(2014-16). (pdf)
Take a look at previously funded awards here – https://www.intranet.ls.manchester.ac.uk/ressupport/funding/wtissf.aspx
Please direct any enquiries to either:
- Louise Barnes (FLS) Tel: x51479 or Email: louise.barnes@manchester.ac.uk
- Cath Barrow (FMHS) Tel: x55267 or Email: catherine.barrow@manchester.ac.uk